Runner’s World Big Book of Running for Beginners- Review

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Disclosure:? I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.? I received no other compensation from Runner’s World other than the book.? All thoughts are my own.

While I wouldn’t call myself a beginner runner, I would say I have a lot to learn about running.? And sometimes you just have to admit when it’s time to start over.? This is one of those times.? I’ve had a bit of a struggle finding my groove this past year.? Early last summer I developed ITBS which lead to under-trained racing this past year.? My times stunk and my effort was weak.? For just about every race I ran.? After sucking through the Phoenix Half Marathon last month I decided it was time for a do-over.

Clearly it was divine intervention when I received the email offering an advance copy of Runner’s World Big Book of Running for Beginners: Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Have Fun to review.? YES.? This is exactly what I need, I thought.

This book comes to you from Runner’s World, the most trusted name in all things running.? If you don’t get the magazine, you probably should.? From beginners to hardcore marathoners, Runner’s World has you covered.? They are the experts and tapped three of their best for this book:

Jennifer Van Allen is a special projects editor for Runner?s World and a running coach certified by USATF and RRCA.? She manages The Starting Line, an online training program for beginners.

Bart Yasso is the author of My Life on the Run and is the chief running officer at Runner?s World.? He also Tweets and is a fun follow!? Be sure to give @BartYasso a shout-out.? I won’t lie:? when I saw this book was written by Bart, I was all over it.

Amby Burfoot, Runner?s World editor-at-large and winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon, has run more than 105,000 lifetime miles (and counting).

Pamela Nisevich Bede, RD, CSSD is a sports nutrition expert and co-owner of Swim, Bike, Run, Eat!, LLV, a nutrition consulting firm.

If you are new to running, you probably have a lot of questions.? Or you don’t think you do until you actually get out the door and start doing it.? Then BAM… they come pouring in.? Am I in the right shoes?? What do I wear?? How fast should I be going?? Am I going too far?? Not far enough?? And I running or jogging?? Do I wave or say something when I pass a fellow runner?? How do I know if I’m doing this right?!? Aaaagghhhhhhh!!!!

For anyone who has told me they can’t imagine running or aren’t sure how to start, I now have the perfect answer for you: start with Chapter 1 page 3 of this book.? The Basics starts by answering many of the same questions a typical newbie might encounter.? The authors have also included personal experiences from people like you and me who were looking to make a life change and found that change through running.? These are found under the heading “How Running Changed My Life” and I loved reading these stories of inspiration and hope!? Honestly, it gave me a good old fashion kick in the Sparkle Skirt to get back out there and refocus my goals.

Pretty much everything you need to get started- or get started AGAIN (ahem)- can be found in this book.? For example: this summer I plan on doing a lot of treadmill running.? It’s the norm for me since I am not a fan of running in 90 something degree weather- and it’s going to be even hotter now that I’m in Arizona, aka, the surface of the sun.? Longtime readers might be quick to note that I’m also not a fan of running in cold weather either.? Yep- I’m the Goldilocks of running.? I admit it.? This weakness makes me a huge fan of my air conditioned home treadmill.? When I checked the book to see what the authors had to say about treadmill running, I was pleasantly surprised to see – well, quite a lot actually!

From the Index

In addition to the treadmill advice, I loved the nutritional suggestions and tips in this book.? As you guys know, I struggle with food!? Chapter 4 is called Eat Like A Runner and it includes detailed grocery lists for those of us who can’t seem to find the right way to fuel.? This is just the kind of information a runner who is also seeking to lose weight needs.

Was this book just what I needed?? Definitely.? And I can honestly and fully recommend it to anyone else who is a runner.? It may be written for the beginner, but I encourage you to check it out for yourself.? Every time I turned to a new chapter I found myself saying… oooohhhh, so now I know!? I see myself going back to this book many times over the course of this summer as I start the big do-over.

Buy your copy: Runner’s World Big Book of Running for Beginners: Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Have Fun

Do you have any questions about the Runner’s World Big Book of Running for Beginners?? I’d be happy to help you decide if this might be a good fit for your running library!

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