Running With the Family | Galloway Blogger Update
Our running is mostly solo around here. Not that we haven’t tried, it just hasn’t stuck with the kids.
They are active in their own ways, but no one is too interested in racing right now.
We’ve run kid’s races at Disneyland with our younger kids and a 10K with the oldest.?But that was a few years ago, and no one’s really shown interest since.
Until Avengers last year. My daughter loves Iron Man and it was enough to get her runDisney dreamin’!
She asked if she could join in on my runDisney adventures, and I said SURE! I was thrilled that she was interested in doing something that I love along side of me.
We’re heading to the Super Heroes Half Marathon this year together and she plans on running both the 5K and 10K. And we plan to keep training together with Jeff Galloway!
Here’s some information about running as a family that Jeff wanted me to share.
Kids think and learn better when they exercise regularly, according to research.??Whether you run with your child, a? niece/nephew/grandchild, or a neighborhood kid, you can make a positive impact? on a young life.
True Confession:??I was a fat and lazy kid, and a poor student, at the age of 13.??Joining a group of cross country runners changed my attitude for the better, and challenged me to be a better student.??The bonding of most running groups creates positive growth experiences.
Why? is running with kids such a great thing to do? Most kids like to do things with an adult.??By running comfortably with a child you can positively imprint exercise as a natural and expected part of the daily routine, that is fun.
What does? running do for kids–better than other sports??Kids who run tend to have better self esteem, better grades, and are happier.??Unlike other sports, that require specific skills, any kid can run and walk.??When running, you have one of the best opportunity for quality time.??The most powerful reward for most kids is the special attention an adult gives to a child during and after a run.
How do I know? when a child is ready to run???Running is a natural activity.??Unfortunately, many kids have have had bad experiences because they have run until they were exhaused.??Tell the child that you really want to go on a walk/run with him or her.??Offer a simple reward (a special snack such as juice, a toy).??Insert walk breaks every minute, before the child huffs and puffs, and stop before the child is tired.??.
My kid runs around when she plays? all the time?does that mean she?s actually fit enough to go for a real? run??Yes!??Short segments of running are natural for kids.??Playing chase games is a great way to introduce running, such as racing Dad to the mailbox.??Walk gently between running segments and talk about how good the exertion feels.
For kids ages 6 and under:?
How long should I let a? kid this age run??Usually between 10 and 20 seconds at first.
How much of our ?run? should be spent? walking??Walk for a minute or two between run segments.
What should I be careful of???Most kids can run farther and faster than they should at this age.??Make sure the segments are short so that there is no huffing and puffing.??Make each session playful and stop before the child is really tired.
Ages 7 to 9:
How long should I? let a kid run???Start with about a quarter of a mile(one lap around a track).??Increase by 1-2 tenths of a mile each run until you reach one mile.??For kids that really enjoy running, you could gradually increase the distance to 3.5 miles (one day a week) and enter a 5K.??Be sure to keep the pace slow during the first mile of the first race, with walk breaks every 1-2 minutes.
What is a good run/walk ratio for a kid this? age??Jog for 10-20 seconds/walk for 40-50 seconds.??After two weeks, if this seems ?too easy?, increase the amount of running each week by 5 seconds and decrease the walking by 5 seconds until you are using 30 seconds/30 seconds.??For the kids that want more, gradually increase to one min/one min, then 2 min run while inserting 1 min walk.??As kids want to run more, you can increase the running but walk when the child starts to huff and puff.
What should I be careful of (are they prone to going to hard and? crashing and burning?)?If you sense that the kid is struggling, walk more.??This usually improves attitude and conserves energy for a strong finish.??It’s OK to run a little faster at the end but don’t run all-out.??It is OK to let the child ?win? each run.
Ages 10 to 12:
How long??Beginner kids that are out of shape should follow the suggestion for ages 7-9 at first.??For moderately active 10-12 year olds (soccer players, etc.) start with about half a mile.??Increase by about a quarter of a mile on each run until you reach 1.5 to 2 miles?or whatever distance seems to feel comfortable but satisfying.
What?s a good run/walk ratio for this age? group???Kids that are just starting, should follow the suggestion for??ages 7-9.??Kids that have been running (soccer, etc) can jog for 10-20 seconds each minute during a 10 minute warmup and find the ratio that avoids huffing and puffing: 1-1, 2 min??run/1min walk, then 3-1, and only 4-1 if a kid has no problem with this.
What should I be aware of (are they actually likely to kick my? butt?)??Many 10 to 12 year olds can run very fast at the beginning, and burn out later.??Keep the pace slow for the first third of the run.
Is this age child old enough to run a 10-K???Most kids whogradually build mileage to 6.5 miles, once a week, will have no problem with a 10K if you help them start slowly, with walk breaks every2- 3 minutes or so.
How is? it possible to get a real workout in when running with a? kid??Don’t worry about your workout, try to make the child’s experience a good one.??Many adult mentors run their workouts before or after running with the child athlete.
What?s the best way to? bring a child along on my runs?even if she can?t keep up on her own? two feet???Slow down and walk more.??Playing games allows for the distance to go by quickly.??If the child is laughing and running you have been a successful coach.
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.