Seeking 2016 Princess Half Marathon Race Recaps
Update: you can find the 2016 race recap round-up HERE.
Did you journey under the sea for a magical race?
I took a while to finish my race recaps, but they are DONE. You can check them out here and here.
Now I’m looking forward to registering for the 2017 weekend. Squee! Yes, my “I’m not sure I’m going back” has changed (again) to Squee!
Let’s face it; we knew it would happen.
Registration is just around the corner on July 5th for Annual Passholders/DVC Members and July 12 for the general public. (ps- I have bibs, rooms & tickets through Go Magical Miles if you want to grab them now!)
Want to share your experiences and inspire others to runDisney?
Then please leave the link to YOUR recap in the comments. I’ll put together a roundup post in the next week or so to share before registration.
You can also email me the link at Just be sure to include “Princess Half Recap” in the subject line!
Here is the link to the 2015 Princess Half Race Recaps that I’ve gathered before. Visit them, too. There were some fun experiences last year.
I know so many Princesses in Training for 2017 love to look back on the adventures and see what they have in store. You can help them out and inspire new runners by sharing your experiences with them.
And if you are wondering: I’m looking for all kinds of reports: front of the pack, middle runners, back of the pack, etc.
All races, all paces are welcome! Covering the Expo or celebrations after the race are also welcome.
Heads up: if you leave the info on the Facebook pages, I may miss them. So blog or email is better. But I’ll do my best to keep up with everyone.
Which races are you planning on running this year? Have you thought about costumes yet?
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
My mostly pictures and not many words recap is up.
I love that you are doing this! Here’s my recap!
Here is mine:
Here are my Princess 5k, 10k, and half recaps:
Your PHM roundup is such an awesome feature – thanks so much for doing this! Here’s mine on a new(ish) blog I’ve started with friends:
My half post included a wonderful moment of panic where I forgot my bib in my room. I now pin them on the night before just to be safe.
I document my whole trip from start to finish. Here are the non-race posts for Princess 2016:
Hi Patty!
Loved seeing and meeting you at ‘Ohana, when we were both there for our celebration dinner. 🙂
The 2016 Princess Half was my first half ever, first runDisney ever…. it had it’s ups and downs for me, that’s for sure! Here’s my recap:
2016 Princess 1/2 Marathon –
2016 Princess 10K –
2016 Princess 5K –
Race Retreat –