Sisters Are A Work of Heart | Mom Monday

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A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.?~ Marion C. Garretty

When I discovered I was pregnant with my youngest, Lucy,?(and consequently cried for two days because HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! Rhetorical, here, obviously I know how… ahem…) one of my first concerns was for my daughter Claire.

She’s always been a giver and a caretaker, so I knew bringing a baby home would be ok by her.

Claire and Lucy 2011. No Lucys were harmed in the taking of this picture.

But what if it was a girl baby? Claire was the only girl and doted on by both her brothers and her father as such. She had laid claim to her place in the dynamics of our household. She was The Sister.

She was The Sister.

Would adding another sister completely wreck havoc?

I come from a family with five kids, and I have two older sisters and one younger sister myself. So maybe I was projecting a bit when it came to this.

Okay, I totally was.

I remember with clarity how I felt when my folks announced their “SURPRISE” back in 1987, which became my own baby sister Megan. I didn’t handle it well, I’ll admit.

Cool Aunt Meg with all the nieces and nephews. AKA the Baby with the baaaabies!
Cool?Aunt Meg with all the nieces and nephews. AKA the Baby with the baaaabies!

But luckily for me, she’s cool- and always has been. She’s even forgiven me for the time she fell out a 2nd story window on my watch.

Relax, she bounced and is now a college graduate currently traveling in Italy. All good!

Why, yes, I was still allowed to have children! ‘Merica!

Anywhoo… back to my girls.


It turns out I did NOT ruin Claire’s life. Phew. She loves Lucy, and I love how much they enjoy playing together.

They can spend hours together creating worlds with LEGOs, coloring pictures, watching Musically videos, or playing outside.

What I don’t love is how messy they can get.

They are not prim and proper, no sir, not my girlies!

Getting down on the ground and getting dirty is something we see quite often from these two.

This one gets dirt everywhere. Her face, hands, arms, and legs are covered in chalk dust and driveway yuck.
Big sis isn’t as bad, but those hands sure need some cleaning up!

They have no worries when it comes to letting life get a little messy.

I, however, continue the time-honored tradition of whipping out baby wipes when needed. Been doing this since 2001 and I don’t think I could stop myself if I wanted to!

While my diaper bag days may be over (please, sweet baby Jesus, it’s over, right?), I still keep a stack of wipes with me at all times.

ProMom Tip: don’t forget the WaterWipes?(pick them up at Walgreens), even when your kids have outgrown the diaper phase!

Water Wipes are the go-to clean up here. 99% water and 100% approved by this mom! Get yours at Walgreen's.
WaterWipes are the go-to clean up here. 99% water and 100% approved by this mom! Get yours at Walgreens in the baby care aisle.

I keep a bag in my car, on my desk, and in the kitchen for whenever a quick clean up is needed.

Sticky snack? Wipe it!

Unauthorized use of make-up? Wipe it!

Messy artwork? Wipe it!

See how dirty the WaterWipe got? That was for one hand!

I love that WaterWipes are chemical free and contain only two ingredients: 99% pure Irish water and .1% grapefruit seed extract. I’ve got nothing but love for them since I know they are a safe & convenient way to clean these sisterly messes.

Even those sweet hands and faces can stand a little cleaning with these wipes.



Runners- this is good for you too. Throw some in your workout bag or race drop bag so you can clean up a bit if you make a stop on the way home.

I’ve run, wiped down, and headed into school functions when I absolutely had to with confidence that no one was the wiser!

I know there will be bumpy days ahead for these two. Just because they get along now, doesn’t mean they always will.

There will be other friends, distractions, dates and fights over clothes that may cut into their bonding opportunities.

But I’m betting that sisterly bond of playing together will last longer than anything else.


WaterWipes and Walgreens are partnering to give away a great prize: five (5) $100 Walgreens gift cards! Clean your hands and enter this one today!

  • Prize: One of five (5) $100 Walgreens gift cards
  • Dates: September 16 ? October 7, 2016

WaterWipes Walgreens Giveaway

I-C will randomly select winners from all program entries and will facilitate fulfillment of the winning prizes (5 winners).


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  1. Perfect timing! Running Rock N Roll San Jose on Sunday and we’re checking out of the hotel before the race so no post race shower before the 2.5 hour car ride home! Seriously picking up some of these at Target before we go!

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