Sleep More Stress Less with RESCUE
Follow along with me here.
I’m a mom.? I have 4 kids- who insist on eating every day and wearing clean clothes.
I have a business and a messy house and a husband and a blog.
My parents are moving away.? Sob.
My sisters live too far away.? Wahhhh.
I find myself a “little” stressed out lately.
And when I’m stressed, I don’t sleep.? When I don’t sleep, I feel more stressed.? It’s one of those awful cycles that quickly spin out of control.
So this is nothing new.? Since the beginning of Mommy-ing, I think stress and motherhood have just gone together!
I know many moms and friends of mine are feeling the same way.? Different stressors maybe, but we all seem to take on a little more than we can handle at times.? How do I get things under control?
I do love a good nap.? Take one too late in the day, however, and it just puts you right back in that cycle.
So how do I fix this?? When I stick to “The Plan” it works pretty well.
- I make sure I exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.
- I try not to eat or drink too late at night.
- And I do my best to turn off the internet and devices at a decent hour.
Sometimes I need to add a little extra something to the routine and have taken melatonin in the past to help me fall asleep.
This week I tried something different: RESCUE Sleep Liquid Melts.?? You can find them at CVS, Walgreens, Whole Foods, or Sprouts.
They cost just under $10 and here’s a coupon for BOGO if you enter the RESCUE sweepstakes!
Why was I interested in trying them out?? Here’s a few reasons:
- It’s a natural/homeopathic product.
- RESCUE was developed by a doctor: it’s gentle and safe.
- It’s non-habit-forming with no side effects.
- And RESCUE has been trusted for generations & used by millions worldwide.
I’m one of those people that can be picky about texture and taste when it comes to medication/supplements.? I was a bit concerned that the liquid melts would not really be something I could take as directed.
I placed them on my tongue and felt them melt away.? There was a slight lemony flavor, but nothing that overpowered or lasted.
About 30 minutes later I was sleepy and ready for bed.
Y’all… I had a great night of sleep!? No tossing and turning and no waking up at night with my mind racing.? This is progress!
I took the capsules every night this past week to make sure it wasn’t just a one time deal.
They work. I’m sleeping, and I’m one happy mama right now.? Huzzah!
It’s not the answer to all my stress issues (don’t let my mommy leave meeeeee!? wahhhh!), but I think it’s a great tool to add to my arsenal of stress relievers.
If I’m rested and getting a solid 6-8 hours of sleep, I’m a MUCH better mom, wife, housekeeper, blogger and runner.
Ask anyone who knows me: a rested Shenanigans is a less whiny and more motivated Shenanigans.
It’s just as simple as that.
Do you have a stress relief plan you follow?? How do you ensure you get the right amount of sleep for you?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
I need to try this right away! First I heard of them so thank you for sharing. I’ve used melatonin in the past but these sound like a nice alternative.
It really works? My 23-year-old son is so plagued by sleep issues that I will try anything! Since Rescue is homeopathic and natural, I will be taking advantage of that coupon. Patty to the Rescue!