Something New for Wine and Dine? #rundisney?

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And no, I’m not talking about the return of the lights.  Sob!

Those are for sure long gone.

ETA: This may be just wishful thinking so don’t get your hopes up.  But…

We’ve noticed that annual pass holder registration starts on Tuesday but prices have not been announced.  And the Jingle Jungle 5k doesn’t have a date anymore.

Curiouser and curiouser.

And then this was found:

It’s Active’s link for the race, and as you see, registration is closed.

But the dates are Wednesday to Saturday. Typically expo is Friday to Saturday for this race.

And what’s that?  A 10k mentioned?


Is runDisney announcing a new race or is this a mistake on part?

Speculation that racers would have a 10k or half option for the night race has started. That sounds cool to me- and might actually entice me back to a future Wine and Dine weekend.

With registration around the corner, we should know soon.

Would you be interested in a 10k at night? 

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  1. Curiouser, indeed! Offering a 10k could make it easier to get into the half … or harder depending on how many slots they keep open. And oooo, what if there’s a challenge? #thingsthatmakeyougohmm 🙂 🙂

  2. I thought in the past the expo was usually Friday and Saturday. The races both on Saturday. Wouldn’t that be Friday and Saturday only not Thursday-Friday?

    1. Another thought is the 5k runs on Friday, the 10k Friday night, and the half on Saturday. But really this us all just guessing.

      1. Sounds logical to have the 5/10Ks on Friday and the HM Saturday………….hoping that is true!!

  3. Hmm…I already decided this year I was not running W&D, and now I’m intrigued. After last year’s weather debacle and only getting to run half of the half, and the monsoon the year before, I just wasn’t feeling it. That and the fact that without the Osborne Lights and part of HS being closed, I wasn’t sure what the course would look like and thought I’d give it a break after 4 years. I hope they don’t change to a day time race though –I quite frankly run better at night than at 5 a.m., but there’s also not as much entertainment or spectators at night.

    I would like a challenge option though, that might entice me back in the future. I think I am glad that I’m forgoing this year and will wait and see what happens and then try again next year.

    Keep us posted!!

    1. There a lot of variables out there. Who knows which way this goes? But I’ll keep you posted as soon as I hear anything

  4. Is passholder registration still tomorrow on the 8th? The rundisney site now says the normal registration is on March29. If passholder registration is one week before, that would mean it starts March22. More time needed to finalize 10k and challenge details maybe?

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