Sum It Up Sunday
This week kicks off one of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s a short work week for the kids & Mr. Shenanigans, and I’ve got tons of family coming in for visits.
I love a big Thanksgiving dinner. ?Everything about this holiday appeals to me.
Turkey: ?good.
Mashed potatoes: good.
Deviled eggs: good.
Football on all day: good.
Family in town: ?good (mostly, anyway- ha!)
That’s all going down this week. ?Until then, here’s the Sum it up Sunday report.
Page Contents
Sick (waahhhhh) Let the Binge Watching Commence
I’m one of those horrible babies when it comes to feeling miserable. ?I’ve gotten some kind of head cold that has me down and out. ?It’s pretty awful.
So I’ve been sitting on the couch under a blanket for the past couple of days binge watching The Voice & The Black List on NBC.
I’m squarely on #TeamAdam. ?I mean, why wouldn’t I be? ?Ha!
Do you ever find yourself binge watching when you aren’t feeling great? ?It’s a new favorite past time for me. I can see how both of these shows can suck you in. #sp
The Avengers Half Weekend
The cold is probably a souvenir from that weekend. ?It was totally worth it, however.
I’ve started some recaps from the weekend: Avengers Expo & 5K, The Lilly Belle, and the Captain America 10K are all up and ready in case you missed them.
I’ll get the half done this week, I hope!

Side note: ?I just caught this on Instagram.
Really, Agent May? ?Couldn’t you play with all the Agents of SHIELD fans last weekend?
Actually- I don’t blame her. ?But how cool would THAT have been to see a real life Avenger/Agent type at the race?
I might have geeked too hard.
Speaking of Geeking
This amuses me. ?In my circle of friends, I was a mid-level adaptor when it came to the Agents of SHIELD.
First there was Suzanne and Wendy. ?They kept telling us how great the show was, but Nah, no one was listening.
Then I needed a good show to run to while training on the treadmill this summer. ?And my love of Coulson was born.
Now we’ve got Tania and Amy catching up. ?And where I was once texting Suzanne with my questions and guesses for the next episode, the shoe is now on the other foot.
Amy is sending me all kinds of thoughts as she’s working her way through season 1.
Haaaaa! ?It’s SO good. ?And I want to tell her everything, but she’s the kind that wants to find out on her own.
Pssshh… whatever. ?At this point, I was hounding Suzanne for details and Wikipedia-ing my bootay off.
The Good Dino
Tomorrow night I’m getting a preview of The Good Dino.
I caught a sneak peek of it at D23 Expo and again at Disneyland this fall, and I’m excited to see how the full movie plays out. ?I’m taking my 8-year-old, Seth, who is the perfect age for this kind of film. ?I know from the sneaks there is some heavy moments (hey, it’s Disney, so of course, there’s some drama, right?) but he should be able to handle it.
I ran a whopping 2 miles this week. ?That’s the norm after a big race weekend, sadly.
I’m hoping this head crud clears out and I’ll get back on the road this week. ?The weather is perfect in Arizona for running, and I don’t want to slack off like I did last year before Star Wars.
It sucked last year because I didn’t train properly. ?I’m determined to make this one a decent experience.
What do you have planned for your Thanksgiving week?
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.