Sum It Up Sunday | The Wahhhhh Edition

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So, hey there!

Sum It Up Sunday is typically where I cover the state of the Shenanigans with training and whatnot, but today it’s going to be a bunch of wahhhhh I’m afraid.

Wahhhhhh… I’m sick?


Legit sick. ?The flu and everything.

It’s been years since I’ve had the flu this bad. ?Typically I’m sick for two days with fever and chills, I self-diagnose as flu, and I’m good to go soon after. ?But not this time.

It started Wednesday, seemed to get better on Friday, but came back with a vengeance Friday night. ?Saturday morning instead of going for a last Princess Half training run I was in Urgent Care, laying on the exam table, hoping no one would make me move for 30 minutes or so.

They didn’t, I got swabbed, official diagnoses of Flu B, and sent to the pharmacy with a handful of prescriptions.

Let me tell you: worth every penny. ?That Tamiflu is the real deal. ?I worried I was outside the window of help with it, but it seems to be doing its job. ?I can sit up today and look at a computer screen without wanting to claw my eyes out. ?Progress.

Wahhhhhh… Princess Half Marathon?

The biggest issue with getting sick at this exact moment: time.

I’m flying (maybe?!) on Thursday to run the Glass Slipper Challenge. ?At this point I am so weak from being sick, running 19.3 sounds like a terrible idea. ?A really terrible idea.

And this cough- oh my word, it hurts. ?So. Bad.

But then I have a big reminder to stop my wahhhhing and just freaking DO IT.


I fundraised for a charity for this race, a charity that I feel strongly about. ?I’m over here relatively healthy just whining about a blip in my health where these families have so much more to face. ?So yeah, ?snap out of it, Shenanigans!

I feel I owe it to all who donated to go and attempt the miles if at all possible.

The first step is to be healthy enough to travel safely (and not infect anyone else!). ?The second step will be to cover those miles for the children. ?I’m doing my best to lay low and heal so it can happen.

Wahhhhh… I didn’t run all week.?

Not totally?true, I guess. ?I did 11 miles on Monday, and then crashed and burned into flu-land after that. ?Don’t get me wrong, running sounds awful, but dang, I sure miss it when I can’t do it.

Anyone feel that way when they are sick?

runner jealous

Wahhhhh… my house.

It’s a mess. ?Mr. Shenanigans wasn’t feeling well either (flu status pending), and we both retreated to our corners to recover. ?That left four kids with the run of the house very very loosely supervised.

Um, yeah, ?I don’t even want to look.

sick mom

Alright, enough with my whining for today. ?I’m ready for some more OJ and (another) nap.

What’s your best tip for recovery after an illness? ?I’ll take any suggestions!?

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