
Sum It Up Sunday | Summer Wrap Up

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It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but it felt like the right time to do a weekly recap. Sum it up Sunday, y’all, is back!

This week has been a full one, for sure! It’s pretty much signaling the end of my summer and I’m ready to roll into fall.

Kids & School


My kids are in school; I’m in heaven.

Enough said.

The snack I made them went over very well, and now they expect a hot snack every day after school.

Baby steps, kids! Let’s go for once a week and see where that gets us.

The Olympics

I love the spirit of the Olympics. I love the idea and the competition and the bringing of one world together for sport.

I don’t love the corruption and the BS that comes along with it.

But I watch anyway. Like, all day, every day.

games 1

It’s been very cool… except when it’s NOT.

What the hey, sports announcers, with all the sexist headlines, tweets, comments, etc.? I know it’s always been an issue, but this year it seems over the top. Or maybe the internet has finally had enough and is calling it out.

Whatever… but just STOP it. A female athlete has her OWN name, not just “the wife of Chicago Bears blah blah blah”. Her name is Corey Cogdell, Olympian. Also, she’s not the “female Michael Phelps”… she’s Katie Ledecky,?badass in and out of the pool.

And REALLY stop it with Gabby. I don’t know if I have the time or words to express how dumb all that drama was.


Oh, and Ryan Lochte?


Congrats: you’ve ruined what little career you may have had left AND lied to your MOTHER. I hope she’s making you pay for that shiz.

If I went to bat for my “kid” (AHEM, 32-year-old adult!) and got burned, you can bet Thanksgiving would be cold, yo. So, soooo cold.


I’m back at it. The past two weeks I’ve gotten my butt out the door or on the treadmill with some consistency.

Sure, I’m starting all over again, but it is starting to feel good again. So I’m happy with that.

I’ve discovered How to Get Away With Murder on Netflix for the treadmill runs (OBSESSED), and we finally had a dip in the temps here, so I got outside a few times as well.


Yesterday’s run was, well, it was typical of my running lately.

I needed 5 miles. I almost quit after 1.

Nothing hurt, no issues that were keeping me from running, I was just crazy slow, and it was bothering me.

I came upon the trailhead and needed to make a decision- turn right to keep running or straight to find the car and head out.

I looked over and saw this:

sunrise 8.20

Welp. Choice made. I needed to see that sunrise in its entirety.

And it was worth it.

Another mile in and I was able to run up a small hill for this shot. I also got a cheer from the high school track team running by when they saw me jumping. Ha!

Impressa Holliday 1

Sigh… it was just gorgeous!

I’m in love with the sunrises and sunsets in Arizona. They make getting up early or going out later worth dealing with all the heat in between.

After this I finished my miles out and was heading back when I looked up to see this:

balloon run

That’s a hot air balloon next to the moon amidst a cloudy blue sky.

My phone doesn’t have a long enough reach to do justice with this shot, but it was beautiful in real life.

At half a mile left, I almost started to walk. But I was saved by my latest obsession:

right hand man


Goes the cannon, watch the blood and the shit spray and


Goes the cannon, we?re abandonin? Kips Bay and


There?s another ship and


We just lost the southern tip and


We gotta run to Harlem quick; we can?t afford another slip

The middle of this song is perfect for running. It drove me up the final hill (that I’m normally all about walking) and back to the car to round out my 5 miles.

Side note: anyone anywhere has tickets to the show and need a plus one, I’m your girl!

5 miles garmin

It wasn’t fast, it wasn’t always pretty, but it certainly had its moments. Kinda like life, right?

And I won’t lie: I’m hurting today.?This is the longest mileage I’ve put in since April. Eeesh.

The break is certainly over!

How was your week? See anything inspiring on your run?

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  1. Great post and I so agree about the Olympics. And the fact that people don’t even notice it until someone else points it out and then they say “yeah, that’s not right” is a problem. And congrats on your run – definitely time for me to get back in the saddle, too. I just joined a training group for Savannah RnR and am hoping they will find my mojo for me:).

    1. ACK! Yes… it’s like subtle until you do a double take and then it was IN YOUR FACE all day every day. Ridiculous.

      Oh I hear Savannah RnR is lovely! Good luck training!

  2. Love it – Sum it Sunday!! I am totally going to have Olympics with-drawl. I am like you – I watch them all day everyday. I will watch any event….and am totally going to miss them.

    Would be ok never hearing Locthe’s name again…

    Just conned my BFF into running the Disney World 1/2 in January – Hehehehe
    So excited to do this 20th anniversary race.

    Happy Sunday Everyone.

      1. This is the 4th half I have talked her into. (She did bail on one) We always say never again and not Disney – but here we go – we are such suckers!!!

  3. Streaming revolutionized our Olympic watching. I’ll have withdrawal too. It was fun to just pick a sport and watch the whole coverage without jumping to another sport or three, minimal commercials, and no inane US announcers.

    The closing ceremonies stream started when it started in Rio (6:30 Eastern) and didn’t have announcers. It was so much better than the opening ceremonies.

    Good for you getting your run on even when you don’t feel like it. That sunrise jump photo is fantastic!

  4. Totally with you on the Hamilton obsession. I feel like every time I listen to it I pick up something I didn’t hear before.

    1. YES! A fellow lover of the ten dollar founding father without a father! We will have to compare which songs make the best running songs.

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