Avengers Assemble: Ant-Man and Captain America Costumes

Avengers Assemble: Ant-Man and Captain America Costumes

Avengers costumes: Assemble! I’ve put together a few costumes featuring my favorite superheroes over the years. Here are two of my first runDisney costumes that could be repurposed for Halloween or costume parties. I’ve even worn the Ant-Man one to a convention before! Avengers Assemble: Ant-Man and Captain America Costumes Affiliate links are included in…

The Perfect Day | Inaugural Captain America 10K Re-Cap

The Perfect Day | Inaugural Captain America 10K Re-Cap

Spoiler alert:  I haven’t had this much fun on a race course in a very long time. The Inaugural Captain America 10K turned out to be the perfect day for me.  It combined some of my favorite things: good friends, tons of selfies, gorgeous weather, Captain America and Disneyland.  Oh… and some running. I even set a…