Just Can’t Clean This Place | My Life If I Was Half As Cute

Just Can’t Clean This Place | My Life If I Was Half As Cute

There’s days when I don’t get a lot done. Today is that day. I mean, kids get dressed and are taken to school and activities.?? Dog is watered, fed, etc.? The basics are covered. But my to-do list is not.?? It’s often just a wee bit overwhelming. Okay- WAY overwhelming. So today I did a…

Sum It Up Sunday

Sum It Up Sunday

What’s this you say?  Sum it up Sunday during daylight hours?  Why yes… It’s a Mother’s Day miracle of sorts.  Live-Blogging from the car on the way home from the Grand Canyon.  Let’s do this. C25K Week 4 was hard, y’all. Two intervals of 3 minute runs followed by two intervals of 5 minute runs….