Princess Half: The Price Never Bothered Us Anyway

Princess Half: The Price Never Bothered Us Anyway

The Princess Half Marathon sold out yesterday in less than 2 hours.? Even crashing for a good 45 minutes at opening didn’t stop the flood of registrations. Price too high? Apparently not yet. Harumph. Despite the concerns and discussions over the way prices keep climbing, we aren’t staying away. What’s up with that, Princesses?…

Attention All Princess Half Marathon Bloggers:  Seeking Your Re-Caps!

Attention All Princess Half Marathon Bloggers: Seeking Your Re-Caps!

Did you have fun storming the castle? Found in Epcot- CLASSIC! Did you run and then blog about the 2014 Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon weekend?  If so, I’d love to hear from you!  I’m looking to capture all the re-caps and put them together in one easy to find post.  Easy for me,…

Inaugural Enchanted 10K at the Princess Half Weekend Race Re-Cap

Inaugural Enchanted 10K at the Princess Half Weekend Race Re-Cap

Note: This post originally appeared on my Blogger account.? In the migration to Word Press, the spacing did not come through as I’d hoped.? I’m working on fixing all the older posts, but this takes time.? Thanks for your patience! It’s been two weeks since we ran the Inaugural Enchanted 10K.? Since there’s been about…

Sum It Up Sunday

Sum It Up Sunday

It’s going to be short.  I have 3100 square feet of house to paint on this Sum It Up Sunday, and Mr. Shenanigans is ready to get it going!  HouseWe closed on Thursday, got keys on Friday.  We are painting and installing lights and ceiling fans this weekend (thank you handy Uncles for all the…