Sum It Up Sunday

Sum It Up Sunday

This week kicks off one of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s a short work week for the kids & Mr. Shenanigans, and I’ve got tons of family coming in for visits. I love a big Thanksgiving dinner. ?Everything about this holiday appeals to me.   Turkey: ?good. Mashed potatoes: good. Deviled eggs: good….

Sum It Up Sunday

Sum It Up Sunday

I’m up early this Sunday with a long list of things to do. ?So of course I’m going to avoid all that work type stuff and blog. ?You guys are WAY more fun to hang around with than the laundry, the dishes, and the bathrooms that all need cleaning. Let’s sum it up Sunday! It’s…

Sum It Up Sunday

Sum It Up Sunday

This week went by FAST! ?I think coming home from a big trip like D23 Expo helps make the days fly by. This post is a couple of?hours late because I slept over 12 hours last night! ?Oh my gosh- I don’t even know when that happened last. ?But sleep: ?it was needed big time….

Sum It Up Sunday

Sum It Up Sunday

Sunday again.? Time to sum up my weekly adventures on the blog. Let’s do this. Officially Old I hurt all over this week.? My calves were tight, my buttocks hurt, and I had blisters on the back of my heels.? Why?? Because I spent 3 days and walked 30 miles at Disneyland (per my Fitbit!)…