Strike Hard! 201+ Of The Best Cobra Kai Quotes (2022)

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The fight for the All Valley is back on. Sides and teams have been chosen and everyone’s back in the dojos. Here are the best seasons 4 & 5 Cobra Kai Quotes from Daniel, Johnny, Robby, Kreese, Amanda, Tory and more! Don’t forget to peep the Cobra Kai memes too, its the right thing to do!

About Cobra Kai Season 4

COBRA KAI takes place over 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament with the continuation of the inescapable conflict between Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) and Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka).

There are 5 seasons in the Cobra Kai series plus 5 Karate Kid films.

Season 4 finds the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang dojos joining forces to take down Cobra Kai at the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament… and whoever loses must hang up their gi.

As Samantha and Miguel try to maintain the dojo alliance and Robby goes all in at Cobra Kai, the fate of the Valley has never been more precarious.

What tricks does Kreese have up his sleeve? Can Daniel and Johnny bury their decades-long negative feelings to defeat Kreese? Or will Cobra Kai become the face of karate in the valley?

Watch the Cobra Kai Season 4 trailer here.

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) William Zabka as Johnny Lawrence, Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bond Baker/Netflix © 2021

The Best Season 4 Cobra Kai Quotes

Ready? -Daniel
Let’s Begin! – Johnny

Begin what?- student
Begin a new era. Many of us used to be enemies. But rivalries don’t need to last forever. – Daniel

Wait, are you the son? What did you do, switch over to Whopper Juniors?- Johnny
It’s called a growth spurt, dipsh!t. – Anthony

Still a piece of crap. – Johnny

Clearly, our students want us to find a way to work through our differences, I know you don’t want to join Miyagi-Do, but at least you have to respect it. – Daniel
Well, respect’s a two-way street. You respect my style of karate? – Johnny

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Cobra Kai. Martin Kove as John Kreese in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2021

Daniel: You gotta understand, man. I was taught karate was for defense only. It’s always gonna be tough to respect Cobra Kai.
Johnny: You mean Eagle Fang.
Daniel: Oh, come on, Johnny. Is there really a difference? You’re still teaching aggression.
Johnny: Some kids need a little aggression.

Karate, huh? – Shawn
What’s so funny? – Kenny
Hey, don’t worry about it, little bro. I know a guy who can help. – Shawn

So you can have your little tournament, but if you touch one hair on her head before then, you’ll be scrubbing toilets in prison for the rest of your life, if you’re lucky. – Amanda

Nobody is more badass than Mr. Miyagi. – Daniel, best season 4 Cobra Kai quotes

Best defense- no be there. – Daniel
No be there? The guy teaches you centuries of his ancient family karate, and you can’t help him with his English? -Johnny

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) William Zabka as Johnny Lawrence, Khalil Everage as Chris, Gianni DeCenzo as Demetri in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2021

Kick @ss! Nice work, LaRusso, way to assert your dominance. – Johnny
Where the hell were you? -Daniel
No be there. – Johnny

We know that Cobra Kai is going to use every dirty trick in the book. There’s only one way we’re gonna be able to beat— Daniel
By kicking their @sses so hard they sh!t themselves! – Johnny

They strike first? We pre-strike! – Johnny, best season 4 Cobra Kai quotes

Best defense is more offense. -student

Why do you have a rock in the middle of your dojo? – Johnny

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Cobra Kai. Thomas Ian Griffith as Terry Silver in Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2021

Find any loose change, it belongs to me. – Johnny

I don’t think of you as a pawn. I think of you as a king. -Kreese

I got the recipe off the Chili’s website. I wanted it to be authentic.- Johnny

Password is Outlander. – Amanda

Especially that Tory pyscho. If anyone deserves no mercy, it’s her. – Amanda

You know what? At least we haven’t beat each other up yet! – Daniel
Progress! – Amanda

You’re right to skip practice. If you are going to stay on defense, this isn’t the right dojo for you. – Tory quotes from Cobra Kai season 4

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso, William Zabka as Johnny Lawrence in Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2021

I had no idea you had a karate phase.- partygoer
Karate is not a phase, it’s a way of life. You can leave it for awhile, but it never leaves you. – Kreese

A small boy was thrown through our window. – Amanda

Obscenities? What kind of bullsh!t is that? – Johnny

Why can’t Larusso be Apollo? – Johnny
Striking first is more bad@ss. – Miguel

You’re not getting what you want. -Robby

That’s why we started Cobra Kai. Together, we made a difference. – Kreese quotes from Cobra Kai Season 4

Here try this- spicy mango. It’s like the old country. – Johnny

To beat the enemy, it helps to know the enemy’s playbook. – Robby

Smooth as a Smurf’s @ss, am I right? -Johnny

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) Tanner Buchanan as Robby Keene, Peyton List as Tory Nichols, Martin Kove as John Kreese in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2021

I go by feel. Some days I’ll throw them into a cement mixer. Other days I’ll find a hornet’s nest for them to kick. – Johnny

The more we fight each other the more it hurts the kids. – Daniel

It’s not about how you start but how you finish. – Robby

Not here to cause a scene, just here to deliver a message. But I need to know you got that message.- Amanda

I saw one of the cooks dip his balls in the miso. – Tory

Defense is boring. Offense will always be more bad@ss.- Johnny

Nobody was more bad@ss than Mr. Miyagi. – Daniel

Remember, side to side. – Daniel

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) Khalil Everage as Chris, Gianni DeCenzo as Demetri, Jacob Bertrand as Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz, Aedin Mincks as Mitch, Xolo Maridueña as Miguel Diaz, Mary Mouser as Samantha LaRusso, Nathaniel Oh as Nate, Owen Morgan as Bert in Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2021

Are we done or do I have to sit here and freeze my nuts off to find inner peace? – Johnny

Remember, not all kids are as lucky as yours.- Kreese

An Eagle embraces the pain. All your life, the worlds been trying to make you less of a man. Light beer? Veggie burgers? Automatic transmissions? Might as well let another dude bang your chick.- Johnny

Don’t question me, Newark! – Johnny

The human response to danger is fight or flight, but an eagle’s response is fight and flight. – Johnny

Move it, be aggressive, attack. – Johnny

Manliness is next to Godliness. – Johnny

Stick your fangs into those balls.- Johnny

He says you’re a p@ssy and he can kick your @ss any day of the week.- Johnny

Take one more step towards me and I’ll snap you like a pencil. – Tory

Ever since I started this new school, my life has been miserable. They chased me, beat me up. It’s not gonna stop. I don’t know how I’m going to keep going. I don’t feel safe.- Kenny

One of them even knows karate. – Kenny

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) William Zabka as Johnny Lawrence, Vanessa Rubio as Carmen in Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2021

There are four different animals on top. That’s a man’s pizza. -Johnny, best season 4 Cobra Kai quotes

Yeah, he’s a total nerd.- Johnny

Make sure all that defense doesn’t turn you into a cream puff.- Johnny

When an eagle’s hungry, it doesn’t hesitate. If you want to be an eagle, you first have to learn how to fly. – Johnny

All I’m trying to do is help you doormats win the All Valley. – Johnny

Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them. – Robby

My path wasn’t a straight line. And yours is still being written. – Daniel, best season 4 Cobra Kai quotes

I’m a top-down, wind blowing in the hair kind of guy. I’m not afraid to take the leap with you.- Johnny

About Cobra Kai Season 5

Following the shocking results of the All Valley Tournament, Season 5 finds Terry Silver expanding the Cobra Kai empire and trying to make his “No Mercy” style of karate the only game in town.

With Kreese behind bars and Johnny Lawrence setting karate aside to focus on repairing the damage he’s caused, Daniel LaRusso must call on an old friend for help.

Let’s go back to the Cobra Kai karate dojo with the best Cobra Kai quotes.

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True Cobra Kai Quotes From Season 5

We have to cut the head off the snake. – best quotes from Cobra Kai

Look at that line. You’d think he was giving away Teslas or something.

To catch serpent, you must think like serpent.

At Cobra Kai, we believe anyone can be a winner. All you need is the right teacher.

This dojo may be closing, but Miyagi-Do lives inside each and every one of you still. – Daniel

You drove over a thousand miles to look in a phone book? Might as well put Miguel’s face on a milk carton.

First you must prove yourself in the way of the fist. It’s time to see if you’re worthy.

You gotta shake the tree to get the apples.

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Cobra Kai. Xolo Maridueña as Miguel Diaz in episode 510 of Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2022

No one can take honor from you. Only you can take honor from yourself.

First train mind. Then train body.

If you want to break free of troubles, you must face them directly.

We will find his weakness by pushing to his limit. We will reveal his true colors. For all to see.

Guy at the impound lot said we need 4,000 pesos. That’s, like, a million dollars.

The tournament was a matter of Cobra Kai survival. If a person steals food to survive, are they cheating? Or are they doing what must be done?

You’re playing with fire, Danny Boy.

And I am gasoline. Boom.

By the time I’m finished with them, they are gonna be unrecognizable.

They show no mercy, we show them no mercy!

I told you not to play with fire.

Snake always waits for right time to strike.

Dork-to-door service, huh? Never thought I’d see the day.

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Cobra Kai. Owen Morgan as Bert in episode 510 of Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2022

I have no intention of ruining her day. Let’s just hope no one else ruins it for her.

Thanks for being a dork, or geek, or whatever you identify as.

I’m not gonna have you or your ponytailed pimp lay one finger on any of our kids.

I don’t know who Pandora is or what’s in her box, but I got Robby out of there and Kreese is in jail. That’s two wins as far as I’m concerned.

Having a strong foundation, they will choose their own way to grow, just like us.

It pays the bills, but most of all, it allows me time for what matters most. My family.

Hurry up. This other app is telling me I have to pick up a guy named Jimmy John.

I’m still giving you one star for touching my food.

Can you hear me? I’m calling from my car phone.

I don’t need a bat for you, Tramp Stamp.

I didn’t get into karate to hurt people. I did it to be badass and find balance.

We are way past the time for white flags, Danny Boy.

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso, Joe Seo as Kyler, Thomas Ian Griffith as Terry Silver in episode 510 of Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022

Don’t look at this as an act of mercy. On the contrary. I want you alive and well for what’s about to happen.

I was ready to let this go. And you just kept getting in my way.

Tell me there’s an end game to this. I need to know it’s not all for nothing.

I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. I was trying to make my students tough.

We will go down there and beat his ponytail ass.

The Way of the Fist means you do not hold back. You do not go easy. Or is this what it means in America to be a champion?

I only lose if I give up.

In life always easier to hide head in sand.

I can’t fail these kids again.

Must protect egg.

The leaders will rise or they will crumble.

Want a piece of the champ? Come get it, old man.

Don’t try to sell me some fairy tale. You wanna know why I’m in this fight? So I can erase everything you did. And every mark you left. Every memory of you.

The only thing better than a full dojo is a whole valley of full dojos.

The only way we win is if we work together as one.

Are we sure we want to put all our eggs in one basket? You are specifically not supposed to do that.

Cobra Kai had given him the strength he didn’t even know he had.

Nice ascot.

Silver has taken the Valley. Now he’s putting together the pieces to take everything else.

We will. And when we do, I’m gonna shove that ponytail straight up your @ss.

To solve the problems of the present, we must always look to the future.

The fate of this dojo rests in your fists.

I’m back at this winner takes all match and it feels like I’m right back where I started.

The shortest victory in a fight is to take out your opponent with one shot.

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Cobra Kai. (L to R) Xolo Maridueña as Miguel Diaz, Jacob Bertrand as Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz, Gianni DeCenzo as Demetri, Peyton List as Tory Nichols, Tanner Buchanan as Robby Keene in episode 510 of Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022

If I can change and you can change, then everybody can change.

My boy’s a kicker, just like his old man. – Johnny Lawrence Cobra Kai quotes

Then the ponytailed prick left. I still smell is sh!tty cologne.

There’s a difference between being heard and being listened to. They heard you but they listen to me.

White Claw sounds bad@ss.

It tastes like watermelon took a piss.

Oh, this is a trap. Oh, you Admiral Ackbar-ed me. Et tu, Bert-tay?

My whole life was haunted by one stupid kick.

I had to stop looking behind me and start looking for what was right in front of me.

That must have been a hard decision, but you made the right choice. Let’s hope you keep making them.

Youth is not a liability. It is the greatest power.

Youth. The one thing money can’t buy.

Write yourself an ending you can be proud of.

I’m running on whiskey and White Claw, baby.

I knew you were a warrior at heart. Just like me.

I’m not your enemy.

I’ll take this trash out.

Right and wrong, there is no such thing. There are only winners and losers. Cobra Kai builds winners because we are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top.

I did most of this.

That testimony I gave, I was under great duress as defined by the Magna Carta.

Yeah, but it’s like all your flesh.

You’ve made mistakes but you still have time to try to make up for them.

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