The Grand Visit to the Grand Canyon
Don’t you love it when you can share a passion with your children?? My mini-me, Claire, has been asking to start a blog for a little while now.? We’ve been talking about it and as soon as she can decide on a name and general theme, we’ll give it a go!
In the meantime, she is itching to write.? My young padawan asked if she could write a post for you today.? Since I planned on talking about our Grand Canyon trip, we thought this would be a perfect fit for Claire.
Taking a cue from my friend Wendy (and her adorable Emi!) at Over the Top Mommy, I decided to let her guest post.?
These #kidbloggers are going to be the next big thing, yo!
Guest post by Claire- Age 9
In May my parents and grandparents took us to the Grand Canyon.? I think it was Mother’s Day but I’m not sure.? My Aunts and cousins came with us.
There are a lot of layers of rocks in the Grand Canyon.? The rocks from the bottom were the old rocks,the rocks from the top were younger.
It took a long time to make the Grand Canyon.
I wish we could hike down and sleep at the bottom, but it would take seven or eight hours to get down, then it would a couple of more hours to get to the campsite.
We hiked down a little bit though.? It was a little slippery due to the tiny rocks and a lot of sand.? Coming back up was hard! It was very steep.? My cousins and big brother went down even farther and we used my Grandmas binoculars to find them. We were still looking for them when they walked out of the top! We missed them on the trail.
There’s a river down there, but I don’t want to go on it. It’s too wild!
It snowed in Arizona which was weird.
It was very cold when we saw the sunrise over the Grand Canyon. It was pretty, with purples and pinks and oranges mixed together.?? I think it’s the same sunset like we see back at our house! (Mom edit... errrr… not exactly.? This kicked our sunrises…well, you know. Keeping it G rated here!)
The hotel was pretty cool.? It was called the Grand Canyon Squire Inn.? It had an indoor arcade, bowling alley, and a waterfall INSIDE the building.? My daddy and I went to a gift shop and learned about some brothers who went down the Colorado River & we saw their real boat.
We ate breakfast there and I thought it was fancy!? My mom liked it because it was free with the room.
Going bowling was the best part of the hotel.
I would love to go back- but only if we can go with the cousins again. And I’d like to take my California cousins next time, too.
Thanks for reading!? Mom says I should ask you a question.? Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?? Please leave a comment!
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
I have been to the Grand Canyon, but your trip sounds way cooler than mine! I can’t wait to read your blog, Claire!
I have not been to the Grand Canyon yet. I’m hoping we get to go sometime soon.
It sounds like you had an awesome trip.
Great post! I have been to both the North Rim and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and one day I want to do the two day hike from one rim all the way down and then all the way back up to the other rim. Maybe you can talk your mom into doing it with me! We can wear costumes if she wants! Beautiful pictures!
Claire….great job, I think the Grand Canyon sounds fab! e
I enjoyed reading about your trip; it sounds like a lot of fun and the pictures are great! I have only been to the Grand Canyon once, but it turned out to be very foggy that day and we couldn’t actually see it! 🙁 I’d like to visit again sometime and hope for better luck!
I visited the Grand Canyon as a child, in fact I was probably around 9, too! I don’t remember it too well but I do remember it was beautiful! I enjoyed reading about your trip, and I think its great that you will be able to look back on this post to remember details about your trip! Your hotel sounds perfect with all those fun things to do plus free breakfast:)
Wow, that sounds like a fun trip! I bet it was hilarious when the boys showed up in the middle of nowhere! I have never been to the Grand Canyon but I have spent a lot of time at Lake Powell which is really close. Oh, and I am with your mom, free breakfasts always tastes the best.
Claire, thank you for sharing your experiences at the Grand Canyon! I went there a few(ish) years ago when I was in college. Your detailed writing helped me remember a lot of the cool stuff there. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I hope you are a guest blogger for your mom again!
Wow that sounds like an amazing trip, Claire! Congrats on writing your first blog post. You are a very talented writer 🙂 We haven’t been to the Grand Canyon yet but it’s on our list of places we want to see in person in the next few years.
I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon. Thanks for sharing your story and photos with us! Do you think you’d ride one of the mules? I’ve heard they are a lot of fun.
I’m going to Tweet your blog. I’m sure I have friends who’ll love to read your story.
It sounds like a fun trip Claire!! I’m glad to hear you noticed the layers of the Grand Canyon, we geologists call those strata. Each layer on top of a newer layer is called deposition. You are absolutely right, the older layers are on the bottom and the newer layers are at the top. So crazy to hear of snow in May in Arizona! I look forward to seeing a post from you in the future!
Awesome post Claire! I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon but it’s definitely on my list now… although I had no idea it took that long to get to the bottom! Thanks for the trip report and I look forward to reading more from you!
I have not been to the Grand Canyon but would love to take my boys one day.
Great post, Claire! It was very informative! That hotel sounds like it had a lot of things to keep you busy so nobody got bored.
The last time I went to the Grand Canyon, I think I was about your age. Now I’m about the same age as your mom, so that’s a pretty long time. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with all of us, and keep writing!
We went to the Grand Canyon 4 years ago. Your writing made me remember a lot about our trip. We went at the beginning of May too and it snowed the day before we got there. Maybe it snows there in May all the time? We also stayed at the same hotel. I forgot there was a bowling alley!
I have one question for you – did your mom cry when it snowed?
What an awesome post! I have never been to the Grand Canyon but now I feel like I know all about it thanks to you, just in time for the 4th of July! Sounds like it was a super fun trip and hope you enjoy the holiday. Can’t wait to read more.
p.s. The water slide sounds really cool!
I have never been to the Grand Canyon, but would love to someday. Your trip sounded wonderful and how great that you shares it with cousins! I love doing things with my cousins too. The hotel sounds fun too. You did a great job writing this, Claire, and I can’t wait to read your own blog!
I am so glad that you expienced such a wonderful trip and adventure. I actually never been to the Grand Canyon and you know I am missing a lot. I have been to Yellowstone many times— have you? Thank you for yor great post!
This makes me want to go to the Grand Canyon. It sounds amazing! My kids would LOVE that Hotel. Great post, Claire (-: You rock!
Claire – I have been to the Grand Canyon – it was literally a lilfe changing experience. Plus I loved all the stars I could see at night. I don’t have that in the big city. I have never taken my boys there…but definitely a must to do.
Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. I look forward to the next one.
I love your post! I actually haven’t been to the Grand Canyon yet, which is sad considering we live so close! I hope to visit soon with our family! Great Post, cutie! 🙂
Cool! I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon before but it sounds like you had so much fun. I can’t wait to plan a trip there soon!
I have never been to the Grand Canyon, Claire. Your blog post makes me want to save up so we can take a trip there too! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Thanks for sharing your experience Claire. We have never been there, but we can’t wait to one day go. I loved your post =)
Well done, Claire! I went to the Grand Canyon with your great grandparents when I was just 13. Reading your post makes me want to go back! Xo Sally
I love your post Claire! I’ve been twice to the Grand Canyon-once with my mom and step dad 6 years ago and last year with my boyfriend to celebrate our anniversay\valentines day. It was Feb and so cold and snow was everywhere. I want to go back so I can ride a mule to the bottom and camp
I loved reading your post about the Grand Canyon as did Nathan who is also 9! He has already asked when can we go and if we can stay at the same hotel! Way to go Claire! Keep writing!
How fun! We want to go next summer once the baby can be controlled a little more….. Go cutie #kidblogger. Great post.
Great post Claire! Sounds like you had a blast! I have not been to the Grand Canyon yet, but it is high on my bucket list! :0)
I haven’t been to the Grand Canyon, but I hear it’s beautiful! I hope to do a big National Park road trip one day. Sounds like you had an amazing time!