The List: Brought To You By The Year 40 (errr- 42?) UPDATED

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Updated 4.21.16: It was time to revisit The List. I updated things a bit- crossed some items OFF! Huzzah! But this was a good reminder as I revisted that I still have work to be done. Carryon, Shenanigans, Carryon…

I gotta be honest.? Since I turned 40 in February I haven’t noticed a whole lot of change in my life.? In fact, it’s been pretty easy as far as age is concerned.? Makes me wonder if this is true:


In my head though, 40 is a big deal. I’ve heard the saying that everyone has goals: the difference in goals and accomplishments is action.? Dreaming about things I’d like to see, do or have will only get me so far.? It’s time to act.

I’ve got a list of things I want to accomplish.? Some small, some large.? Some I’ve already started on and some are out there just waiting for me to attack.? People often call these types of things Bucket Lists or Life Lists but I’m not really a fan of those terms.? I’m just going with The List.

These goals aren’t all as huge as running a marathon.? Some are simple and maybe should just be filed under Crap I Need To Do As A Parent.? But I’m throwing them on The List.

Ready to hear them? I’ve got 40 For 40


  1. Lose 40 pounds or wear a size 8 pant.? Whichever comes first I’m counting it as a win.
  2. Run a marathon. ?DONE! ?No, really… I DID IT.
  3. PR my half marathon.
  4. Potty-train #OhLucy?
  5. See the Grand Canyon? DONE!
  6. Re-brand blog
  7. Move blog to self-hosting Word Press (sorry Blogger!)? DONE!
  8. Stop eating fast food for any reason except an emergency (defined as head about to explode from children whining on car trips.)
  9. Create a cleaning schedule rotating rooms to clean every day.
  10. Utilize cleaning schedule.
  11. Chore list for the kids so they can particpate in the cleaning schedule. ?DONE!
  12. Wash more dishes.
  13. Schedule my blog posts. Farther out than the night before. ?hit and miss here. More hits than miss, so crossing it off!
  14. Get more sleep every night, not just one night a week. ?Buying my FitBit Charge helped with this. TOTALLY working.
  15. Lift weights.? Big, heavy, manly weights.
  16. Tell my family I love them every day.? Yes- I do actually forget to do this. ?Easy one to do. <3
  17. Get paid.? With any luck, as a writer.? DONE!? Go buy some Jamberry, won’t you?
  18. Read a book.? Once a month.? Internet and Audible doesn’t count.
  19. Meal plan.
  20. Grocery shop from a list and only from a list.
  21. Learn and use the essential oils effectively.
  22. Visit 5 museums in the local area (Phoenix and Tucson included.)
  23. Run 3 local races.? I tend to stick to Disney a bit much!? (In case you didn’t notice. Ahem)? Two down, 1 to go!? Esprit de She and Surf City? Done! ?I’ve added at least 3 local races every year.
  24. Hike a mountain. ?Picacho Peak made me her bitch. But I got it done.
  25. Take the kids to a University of Arizona basketball game.? DONE!? Sorta- I cheated.? I hate basketball.? So we went to the football game instead. ?*follow-up: basketball game achieved!
  26. Start a new blog series.? (Any suggestions?)
  27. Walk the dog regularly.? Or run with him if he’s feeling froggy. ?RIP, sweet Ranger. Sniff.
  28. Floss twice a day.? You know you don’t do it either.? DONE!
  29. Volunteer at the kids school. ?Nailed it.
  30. Clean my car often.? It’s gross.? Always.? DONE!
  31. Celebrate in a most epic way my 20 year wedding anniversary with Mr. Shenanigans.? DONE!? 4 days in Vegas.? It. Was. AWESOME.
  32. Get a passport.? You never know…
  33. Apply to the Disney Parks Moms Panel…again.? DONE!? Annnnddd… well, I didn’t make it.
  34. Learn some Spanish.? Looking at you, DisBroad Tania.? I’ll need lessons.
  35. Do an unassisted pull-up.
  36. Run a 5K without walking or intervals.? DONE!
  37. Cut down my internet time.
  38. Visit family in California and Texas just because.? Partially DONE
  39. Ride Splash Mountain.? Eeek!?? DONE!? with an epic selfie to prove it!
  40. Pray more. ?Hitting my knees every night. #Blessed.

There’s my list.? What’s on yours?? Will you share one thing you hope to accomplish this year?

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  1. Wait…TWICE a day flossing? That’s a lot of responsibility!
    We used to go to the Heard Museum in Phoenix on field trips in elementary school often. It’s probably changed a lot, but it’s a pretty great resource to learn about the Hopi and the Navajo.

    1. If you saw how much I’ve spent on my teeth (and still have to spend this year!) you’d understand why I must floss and floss often. Wowza. Thanks for the museum tip! I know there’s lots to see but I tend to stick to home. Or Disney. 😉 Kids need more than that. I hear. Ahem.

    2. I’m totally not a flosser, but my hygienist sold me on the Water Pik flossing- Love it!

    3. I’m a hygienist! Don’t be too hard on yourself Patty! Once a day is good! Floss, brush, then rinse! Btw, Sonicare air flosser is awesome!

  2. Being a former Sun Devil, if you have a U of A basketball game, I think an ASU football game is needed on the list, just to even things out!
    I’m dying to go back out to Disneyland (I’ve only been once!) and hopefully run a 2:30 half this fall.

    1. Um, yeah, about that Sun Devil thing. lol Might be a no-go there. My dad would disown me. 😉

      2:30- I dream of 2:30! That’s a long term goal for me. It won’t happen this year but I hope to get there too!

  3. Awesome list – best of luck to you on scratching everything off!! The hardest thing for me hands-down would be able to do an unassisted pull-up!

  4. Empezamos ahora. Lea mis respuestas en español el la página del Disney Parks Moms Panel. Vas a entender Disney.

  5. Fun list! I’m working on some of those too, especially #10. I like your #39 🙂 I haven’t been on California Screamin (too scary!) but I do like Splash Mountain, especially on a really hot day. I think the WDW version of Splash Mountain might be a little more fun because you’re buckled in so it feels safer.

  6. Wait a second. You haven’t gone of Splash Mountain? Well no wonder you haven’t made it on the Moms Panel! HA! I don’t see learning Portuguese on your list either 😉

  7. #22 – my friend Dina is a docent at the Phoenix Art Museum. The Heard and the Frank Lloyd Wright Talesin West are always on our lists when we’ve vacationed in Arizona. We haven’t gotten to a single one – it’s too nice outside!
    for #24 you should check out Pinnacle Peak in Scottsdale – super fun hike
    #35 and #36 have both been on my bucket list for more than a year.
    I know you can do these!!! Maybe a new blog series could be updates on your list – you could call it kicking the bucket list?

  8. Wow nice list….. I am laughing at the splash mountain, its tame compared to say space mountain! I don’t like the DL version as much though, I like side by side seating. I am sure you will do great this year!

  9. Well, you’ve got no excuse not to get to the Grand Canyon now! Make sure to visit the south rim AND the North Rim. Rent a cabin at the North Rim for a couple of nights. One of my favorite places on earth (so far!). I’m with you on #1-3. I have no interest in cleaning anything more often LOL. We’re comfortable living in moderate squalor. And #35! Yes!! Have you never done Splash Mountain, really?

    I just turned 40 last Thanksgiving (at Disney!) and my big goals are to get thinner and faster, to pay off our stupid credit cards and to make sure to not delay adventure and fun. I’d love to really find “my voice” on my blog. I still feel like it’s scattered and not entirely genuine somehow, although I try… And I have to get more confident, assured, outgoing (or at least better at faking it!)

    1. I think it’s VERY genuine April! One of my favorite blogs to read. Not even lying a little! 🙂 We are heading to south rim this weekend actually- woohoo! Get to cross something off!

  10. What a great list. Congrats on getting the #ohLucy potty training thing down! I should probably share some of those things on your list. I say “should” because I wouldn’t normally write some of those on my list but they are definitely things I SHOULD be doing. Like flossing 2x a day ( ok, maybe once a day), utilize a cleaning schedule, meal plan, lift weights, I could go on and on! As far as blogging, I’d love to learn more about how that Influenster works. I log in and earn badges but I have no idea what I am doing with them.

  11. WOW! You do have a long list! Yep, get a passport! I wish I had travelled more when I was younger. Visiting more countries is on my bucket list.

  12. I will be rooting you on to make the Mom’s Panel this year Patty. Your list made me laugh, the flossing, the fast food oh and the cut down on internet time. Good luck with all of those!

  13. Let me tell ya, moving to WordPress from blogger was one of the best decisions I made, and it was crazy easy. And I am planning o PR my half this year.

    I love your list, and there is a lot on there that I want and need to work on as a 26 going on 27 year old, too. 🙂

  14. You’ve inspired me to create my own list, thank you! A couple things on it are becoming financially stable, actually putting money in savings, learning personal finance and leading a more active lifestyle.

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