The New Routine

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A new home means a new routine.? Let’s review.? In the last 3 months I’ve quit my job, moved to Arizona, and am living with my parents (temporarily).? That’s a lot of change for someone who typically doesn’t like change.

This latest move also means that #OhLucy can’t go to preschool as she did before.? In my new area, she needs to be 3 years old and potty trained.? They actually said they’d be able to work with the age thing (turns 3 in June) but the potty training… yeah, that’s a no-go.? And #OhLucy is pretty much telling me #HellNoImNotGoing when we talk about it.? Sigh.

That’s ok, this ain’t my first rodeo!? I know she will get there when she gets there.? In the meantime, I have to work out how I’m going to get my training runs in.

My trusty BRF, Treadmill, is locked up in the storage sheds.? There’s just not a spare place to stash it here so my nap time runs are out.? This will be remedied when we move into our own house at the end of the month, but, yeah, I have 2 half marathons and a 10K to complete BEFORE that happens.

I’ve had to resort to… dun dun dun… the jogging stroller.

Y’all, I’m not a fan.? Never have been.? Mostly because I’m running with a little person who still thinks they need my attention- like- all the time. ? So there’s lots of interruptions and stops.? I don’t want to be “that mom” who’s zoned out, headphones in, ignoring their kid while they run.? But I’ll confess that I run not because I love it, and not because it’s helping me lose weight (bahahaha! Side note: seems the more halves I do the more I GAIN).

I run because it allows me to do something just for me.? It’s selfish.? And I love that aspect about it.

So there you have it.? I truly do not like to run WITH my kids.? At least not the ones in the strollers.? The others are pretty cool and I don’t mind taking them out here and there for a short run. They seem to embrace the good ol’ mantra:

To add to my alone time infrigement, I decided I’d throw in one of the dogs for a running partner as well.? I know, I know, what was I thinking?? But he’s sooooo cute!? Meet Ranger.

I took this picture at a flattering angle.? In reality, y’all, he’s one fat lab.? He wasn’t always so tubby, but he’s put on quite a few pounds in the past year or two and the doctor prescribed less food and more activity for him.? Yeah, sounds familiar.? So why not, right?? Ranger on the leash and #OhLucy in the stroller, and off we went like the wind!? Or not.

Errr… I really underestimated the poor dog’s fitness.? I mean, if *I* am smoking someone by mile .20 and they are walking instead of running…. that’s saying something.?? Dude.

The stroller thing, however, was going ok.? #OhLucy just kept asking about the park, and I kept avoiding the subject.? Literally.? I kept making turns AWAY from the park because I knew once we saw it, we’d be stopping our run.? She’s swing and slide obsessed.? I know, I know… I’m a terrible mother.? So mean and all that.? Yadda Yadda Yadda.? But I REALLY needed to get a run in and this was my only shot!

Ranger, however, was NOT going to make the 2-3 miles I had hoped for today.? The poor guy was begging me with his beautiful lab eyes to Just. Stop. Pleeeeeaaaaassssse.? Who can say no to that face?

The moral of this story?? The dog needs to be eased into this whole “exercise” thing.? And my Dad needs to pinch hit for me on #OhLucy duty and let me run during her naps.? ‘Cause this whole running with a stroller plus dog thing?? Yeah… I’m calling Shenanigans.

Do you like to run alone?? Or are you a fan of the stroller/kid/dog companions?

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  1. Aww, sorry it didn’t work out girl! And, yeah – I always had to distract Eli from the playground, too. Lucky for me, he fell asleep most of the time!

  2. I really need to catch up here on MMATM! I knew you were moving from TX to AZ but didn’t realize it happened already!
    I don’t run with a stroller but I do run with an overweight yellow lab..haha. I run with her more out of obligation than anything ( yea, I should be a good pet owner and give my dog some exercise). In reality we don’t do more that 3 miles cus she slows me down. She’s always deviating off the course and has got to be sniffing at something!

    1. HA! Yep- we moved… oh, a week ago? 10 days? something like that. And yes- I feel like I’ve been a crappy dog mom to let him get so big so he needs to run a bit. I’ll add miles onto him slowly though. needs some endurance!

  3. As much as I enjoy my solo running, I also really enjoy having company (especially for the really long runs). Having someone to talk with and laugh with helps the miles go by so much faster.

    Although I don’t have kids, I actually have the opinion that all moms should have their ‘happy place’ that they can go to without anyone bothering them! From what I hear, it helps keep everyone sane lol!! :0)

  4. The more I’ve been training this time around, the more I’ve been debating the benefits to a running stroller (yeah, not even married for another 108 days, babies are a couple years away, but a girl can daydream). I enjoy those solo moments now, but there is a little part of me that’s really excited to be able to take my little ones out running with me one day too- at least before they can distract me with the park!

    1. HA HA HA! Erika, that’s awesome. Congrats on the upcoming wedding, BTW! And I bought a jogging stroller about 10 min after I peed on a stick to confirm my first pregnancy. I thought FOR SURE it was the cure to my weight gain that I knew was coming. Ahhhh… I was so silly. Many moms work with them and love them though. I think it depends on your little one’s personality AND yours!

  5. I have no treadmill, I have no gym, I have no double jogging stroller, I have no mother across the street anymore. What does that equal? I hate the country 🙂 Dallas, take me away 😉

  6. I have dogs but they don’t make very good running companions. They’re both part lab, but one is mixed with German Shepherd. The lab must stop at every smell and the German Shepherd thinks shes queen and drags me along and fights to meet every person and dog along the way. She also thinks squirrels and birds are for chasing, and is terrified of loud noises. I’ve threatened to buy another dog solely to run with but I’m afraid of making the other dogs jealous. (Yes, I’m one of those pet moms. They are my kids.)

    Good luck getting ready, even if it is with a slow, fat lab and a jogging stroller. Had to bite the bullet today and defer my Glass Slipper Challenge until next year. Super bummed, but sometimes you have to be a grown up and make decisions that aren’t fun. Going to do my last long run this weekend if the weather cooperates, but will be following you and the Disbroads all weekend!!!

    1. Awwww Leslie. Bummer. I’m sorry but I totally understand making those grown up decisions. We will miss you!

      I have 3 dogs- I won’t even talk about the other 2. Lawdy they are a mess. But they would probably be better running companions than Ranger right now. Hmmmm…might have to give them a go!

    2. Yeah I really wanted those inaugural medals, but it’s all good. Hoping to be back for Wine and Dine and potentially the marathon in January 2015. If I have to choose, the marathon is my training goal this year and the hubby says he’s 110% behind me… or rather ahead since he’ll be waiting at the finish line and not running 😉

  7. I generally run alone. In the spring when the weather is nicer E might come out with me. L not so often, but he might if he starts to feel left out. I will take our smaller lab with us if I’m just running around the neighborhood, but she’s fast and has a strong hunter instinct and well, I’m sem-attached to my arms. 🙂

  8. I tried to run with my fat dog…I was DRAGGING her practically after just a couple minutes. Complete fail! I tried to run with the other dog (a Boxer) and he could keep up when he WANTED to, but more often would see a squirrel, or a leaf or just AIR and STOP dead in his tacks, causing me to nearly fall on my face. Dogs and running…no thank you!

    1. Thanks! It worked out ok yesterday. She took an early nap and I got a short run in while dad watched her. It’s all about the timing! I really need my treadmill though- it’s just so much easier when it’s available to me!

  9. Good luck finding your balance! When I run with my little guy, he’s gotta have an electronic buddy…or else we have to stop at every interesting looking stick and puddle.

  10. If your wonder mutt Lab is anything like my wonder mutt Lab, put him within the near vicinity of any body of water resembling a puddle, and suddenly they become Super Wonder Mutt! Kind of like how kids become angels if they think offerings of ice cream may be in their near futures…

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