
Celebrate Hela-Ween With This Easy DIY Hela Costume | #ThorRagnarokEvent

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The hype leading up to THOR: RAGNAROK opening on November 3 has me feeling all things Asgardian during October. Which is why I’ve personally coined this month Thor-tober. I think some of these projects are on tap to celebrate “Hela-Ween”, especially this easy Hela Costume!


Thor: Ragnarok Review spoiler free
Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK..L to R: Skurge (Karl Urban) and Hela (Cate Blanchett)..Ph: Film Frame..?Marvel Studios 2017


If there’s one thing you guys know about me, it’s that I appreciate a good theme.

I’m a mom who loves to dress up and pretend to be someone else every now and then.

Embarrassing?my kids just a wee bit is a total bonus.

It’s why I love the runDisney events so much! The miles aren’t as impossible when you are covering them dressed as your favorite Marvel hero.



And yes, I do run this way, throwing myself into the fun with costumes and silliness.

As you can imagine, October is usually a fun month around my house!

This year the theme is clearly THOR: RAGNAROK and I’ve found a few fun ways to celebrate “Hela-ween” this year.

If you aren’t sure just who Hela is, you can meet her here. She’s pretty bad ass, y’all!



Hela Pumpkin Carving

She’s not the nicest God in Asgard, but she’s one you are going to love to hate when you meet her.

Cate Blanchett kills (literally) as Hela in THOR: RAGNAROK.

Here’s everything you’ll need to make your own Hela pumpkin for the front steps.


Hela pumpkin template for Hela-ween. Thor: Ragnarok in theaters Nov 3!


You can download the Hela Pumpkin Carving stencil here.


Easy Hela Costume

This easy Hela headdress will be the start of a fabulous costume for any mom!


Easy Hela costume for Hela-ween. Thor: Ragnarok in theaters Nov 3!



Yeah, this one is happening!

You can download the Hela headdress template here.

To complete the look you’d want

  • black sleeveless shirt
  • black workout tights or leggings
  • some black tube socks (foot cut out) for the arms
  • black sheet or fabric to pin onto the collar for the cape

I’d probably use green electrical tape to create the line decorations on the legs and shirt, but a glue gun and ribbon would work if you are a bit more crafty than I am!


Hela, Thor: Ragnarok villain and Marvel's first female villain


Mjolnir Candy Apples Recipe

Every good party needs themed food!

What’s more “Hela-ween”-ish than a candied apple?

A Mjolnir candy apple, that’s what!

I saw this on Twitter the other night and thought it was pretty brilliant.

And easy enough my baker wanna-be daughter will love taking a turn at it.



Whoever holds this apple is worthy of the power of Thor!


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THOR: RAGNAROK?opens in theaters everywhere?November 3rd!


Easy Hela costume for Hela-ween. Thor: Ragnarok in theaters Nov 3! DIY Halloween Costume for wome and girls.

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