DIY Two Guys Costume Ideas You’ll Find (Mostly) In Your Closet (2024)

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Halloween is creeping upon us (see what we did there?) Here’s a list of easy Halloween costume ideas for two guys that you can pull together with a few clicks on Amazon. Affiliate links included in this post. Create some fun with your favorite character!

two guys costume ideas: pedro and napolean dynamite

Two guys costume ideas for you & your best friend Halloween costumes.

Pop Culture Costumes For Two Guys

When it comes to costumes, we prefer easy over hard.

Especially when it comes to getting two guys to dress in a group costume. It has to be easy or guys likely won’t be bothered.

We get it- but it’s fun to dress up in a simple and clever costume during Halloween; even more fun when you can do it with a friend.

Here’s a great idea: check this list of easy Halloween costume ideas for two guys that you can pull together with a few clicks on Amazon Prime.

quotes from Barbie movie.. 3 Kens getting ready to fight.

Thankfully, pop culture is giving and we are here to receive! We thought of a few of our favorite TV shows and favorite movies and came up with this awesome list of the best costumes for 2 guys.

Men, you don’t have to settle for the basic two-football player look like last year- there are some hot options on this Halloween costume ideas list.

We sourced a few looks that can easily incorporate your wardrobe, so there’s probably no need to go to a Halloween store since many great costumes can be found in the back of your closet!

Skip Spirit Halloween or your local thrift shop and check your own fits first!

There are some group costume ideas in here, but you can start with two guys’ Halloween costumes and go from there.

Two Guys Costume Ideas For You & Your Bro

Here are some of our favorite two guys costume ideas for you and a buddy.

Top Gun: Maverick sunglasses halloween costume ideas

1. Maverick And Rooster From Top Gun: Maverick

You may have to fight over who gets to wear the mustache, but this is a winning (and easy) costume for 2 guys.

Check your own closet because chances are you have these costumes already hanging around in there!

Goodness, gracious, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, these are too easy.

easy sunglasses halloween costumes ideas. Maverick from Top Gun
Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick from Paramount Pictures, Skydance and Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

2. Ted Lasso and Coach Beard: 2 Guys Halloween Costumes Ideas

We absolutely love everything about Ted Lasso, and figure you do too.

And what we love the most about the show? The super easy Halloween costume that has spawned from our favorite coaches.

Grab a zip up, a visor, a whistle, a mustache, and some shades and you are good to go!

Grab that friend and co-coach your next Halloween party. If you and your buddy have your own facial hair: bonus points.

Shut up, Thierry Henry! – Coach Beard quotes

Ted Lasso: sunglasses halloween costume ideas.
Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt in ‘Ted Lasso’.

3. Harry Potter And Ron Weasley Costume:

Accio easy costume idea for you and your best bud!

Pencil in a lightning scar and wear your glasses, and you’re good to go!

For Ron, you just need a redhead friend or someone willing to wear a red wig.

Robes seal the deal, but Harry and Ron also look good in sweater vests and black pants, which you may already have in your closet.

4. John Dutton and Rip Wheeler Costume From Yellowstone

Look, guys just look GOOD in aviators. And these are super simple DIY costumes.

And when you add in a big belt buckle, a cowboy hat, a black t-shirt, some cowboy boots, and the right jacket- welp, we’re a sucker for Rip.

Don’t forget the toothpick!

John Dutton is easy to recreate as well with basically the same look, no aviators.

If you are remotely cowboy, you’ll have these costumes at home. Add aviators and a scowl, and you’re set.

Horse: optional.

rip from yellowstone halloween costume with sunglasses

5. Two Guys Costume Ideas: Napolean Dynamite and Pedro

When we suggest easy costumes for guys… this is pretty much the picture that should come up in Google.

It’s a classic costume idea that is instantly recognizable.

Grab a wig, wear your glasses, and sport your Vote for Pedro white shirt with blue jeans.

Don’t forget to rope your best friend into being Pedro.


napolean dynamite halloween costume ideas for glasses

6. Lloyd and Harry From Dumb and Dumber

We mean, come on!

This practically sells itself as the best Halloween costume ever.

The only problem is: you probably do NOT have this hanging in your closet. But if you do, no judgment!

Maybe not the easiest of costumes to DIY but you can certainly find these suits on Amazon.

7. Did We Just Become Best Friends? YEP! Duo Costumes For Guys

If you know the classic line and can recite the Step Brothers drum set quotes, then this is the costume for you and your best friend.

Two guys’ costume ideas don’t get any simpler than recreating the classic Step Brothers poster.

Check your closet, grab your buddy, and be sure to pose together for lots of pictures!

step-brothers-2 guys costume ideas
Your closet really can yield the best Halloween costumes!

If you need last-minute costume ideas, Amazon has you covered with some of the easiest costumes as long as you don’t wait too long to get your plan together!

More Halloween Costume Ideas For 2 Guys Created With Iconic Characters

  1. Travis Kelce and Pat Mahomes (jerseys work!)
  2. Where’s Waldo? One of the top Halloween costumes, especially for group costumes!
  3. Cameron and Ferris from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  4. Minions
  5. Dwight and Michael from The Officewe say go with Prison Mike for this one!
  6. Men In Black
  7. Walter White and Jesse Pinkman
  8. Zoolander and Hansel
  9. Clark Kent and Superman
  10. Johnny and Daniel from Cobra Kai
  11. Doc Brown and Marty McFly from Back To The Future
  12. Han Solo and Chewbacca from Star Wars (not so easy, but still fun if you can pull it off!)
  13. Pennywise and Georgie from IT
  14. Rick and Morty
  15. Will and Carlton from Fresh Prince
  16. Batman and The Joker (you’re likely to find a Harley Quinn at any party you go to!)
  17. Thor and Loki
  18. Loki and Morbius from the Loki Series
  19. Rick and Negan from The Walking Dead
  20. Bill and Ted
  21. Wayne and Garth
  22. Player 218 and Player 456 from Squid Games
  23. Blues Brothers (black suit, shades, hat— golden!)
  24. Captain America and the Winter Soldier
  25. Dustin and Steve Wheeler from Stranger Things
  26. Ken Costumes from Barbie Movie

Collect lots of candy (ha!), enjoy a themed party, and share on social media this Halloween! We hope these guys Halloween costume ideas helped you enjoy the spooky season.

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