Walt Disney World Marathon Characters | Tuesdays on the Run

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Tuesdays On The Run

It’s bloggers choice week here on Tuesdays on the Run!

What does that mean?

It means we have no topic or prompt: you share whatever running related post strikes your fancy this week!

April, Erika and I are also excited to announce that starting in January we will add a 4th guest host to the mix.

Who is it?

Why, it’s? YOU!?

And YOU, and YOU, and YOU!

At least once a month we will invite a guest host to choose the topic for the week and join in the link-up hosting duties.? If you want in on this action (and we hope you do!) please email one of us and let us know.

Characters You May Run Into: Walt Disney World Marathon

Folks, we are mere days away from the 2015 Walt Disney World Marathon weekend.

You are finishing up those long runs (holla 20 miler this weekend, friends!) and planning out the costumes and gear.

And some of you just might be wondering who you will run into on the course.? Because the fun part of running 26.2 miles at Disney World means running into characters along the way.

This information is based on the 2014 race and subject to change, of course.

In response to a request in one of my running groups, I pulled together a list of characters found on the Walt Disney World Marathon course in 2014.

Characters Marathon

The caveat here: I didn?t run this race.? I pieced this list together from fellow runners and their memories.? Thanks to everyone who helped me out!

Based on your speed and your corral placement, you may or may not have had the same experiences.

It?s important to note: these characters may change year to year!? As a veteran Princess Half runner I can attest that *most* of the characters and groupings remain the same.? Buzz is always in Tomorrowland and Woody over in Frontierland for example.?

Don?t get upset if your favorite on this list doesn?t show up at your race- I?m sure someone just as magical will be in their place.

This order is loosely based on the order you will find the characters as you race through Walt Disney World?s four parks.

By the way, this is the last race you need to complete to earn all these babies:

Thanks, Kristin! http://bamagirlruns.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Kristin! http://bamagirlruns.blogspot.com/

Want to know exactly who you’ll see?? I’ve got you covered!

Keep reading HERE

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