When You Can’t Sleep, Run

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Might as well, right?

At least that was my thought at 4:30 this morning.? My daughter woke me up around 3:30 and once that happened, well, I was just up.? I couldn’t go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried.? Sleep has not been coming easily to me lately and that makes me a very cranky momma.? Even worse is when I don’t sleep AND don’t run because I didn’t get any sleep.

Y’all.? It ain’t pretty.

Despite REALLY not wanting to do it, I got out of bed, got dressed, and ran.

And it was glorious.

Sunrise 2

Sunrise 1

Sunrise 4Sunrise 5

All of that inspired me to do this:

june 12 mile

Yep.? I did it again.? A straight run mile.? And faster than last week.? Huzzah!

Three miles total on a perfectly beautiful Arizona morning.? Do I regret waking up??? Nope.? Not a bit.

Do you ever find yourself running at weird hours?? Are you a late night or early morning runner like me?

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  1. I love running in the morning problem is I hate getting up. It truly is the most magical time of the day, full of new possibilities as the sun comes up. Its why I LOVE those Disney races too, nothing like watching the sun rise as you approach the castle.

  2. Good for you! Once the thought popped into your head I imagine it was hard to put it to rest so it’s a good thing you answered the call. I love being up early enough to watch the sunrise, it’s my favorite time of the day. GJ on the mile too. Rock on.

  3. Good for you. I woke up at 5 am and couldn’t go back to sleep and I just cried about my babies’ school year being over(again) instead of bring productive.

  4. Beautiful! I’m an early morning runner/gym goer too. Not always but more often than not. I love it when the world is “mine”. And then I go to bed at 8:30pm.

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