
Key Strengths: Seeks Balance | Mom Monday

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“Seeks Balance” is pretty much the first bullet point of my Mom Resume under Key Strengths. It’s one of those goals that I’m constantly striving to reach.

Balance is not easy for me. Like- whoa, so not easy.

I tend to be what I call a deep-ender. I jump in with both feet when it’s a project or passion I love. This may sound like humble-bragging (like, when you answer your biggest weakness question: I work too hard! I’m a perfectionist!).

It’s not.

When I deep-end, I sometimes forget important aspects of your life that help you achieve balance.

Like eating. Doh!

Nutrition is that area that gets forgotten with me from time to time. I can get started on my day, be fully invested in work or a project with the kids, and suddenly realize as I’m running out the door for activities that I forgot to eat. Like, it’s 3 pm and I didn’t eat.

See? Not cool.

That results in a drive-thru stop that I didn’t want to make. But due to becoming Mrs. Crankypants, it happens more than it should.

This week I tried something different. I literally added Balance to my life by making sure I didn’t leave the house without it.

Balance Seekers: you can crave freely with Balance Bars. Snacks that are smart and wholesome! #ad #Cravefreely @BalanceBar

Throwing a snack that I can crave-freely into my bag has made a big difference this week.

We were on the go a lot. Back to school shopping, tying up loose ends, and wrapping up our summer. It was all capped with a trip to Tucson for a family reunion. The Balance Bar kept me from pulling over.

And even better- it made for a wholesome and smart snack.

I was sent some trial packs in the new flavors of Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat, Chocolate Peppermint Patty, Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtle and Dulce De Leche &?Caramel.

They weigh in at 190 calories or less and are packed with vitamins,?protein (5-7 grams), and fiber (5-6 grams).

Balance Seekers: you can crave freely with Balance Bars. Snacks that are smart and wholesome! #ad #Cravefreely @BalanceBar

And it makes my sweet tooth very happy! Each bar has a sweet flavor that helps satisfy that afternoon craving I tend to get.

It’s an indulgence I can feel good about.

Balance Bars?are available at CVS, Amazon and select Walmart stores nationwide.

While balance is still something that eludes me, it doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying! Someday that Mom Resume is going to ROCK.

Balance Bar is offering a giveaway for you!

Good luck!

Balance Seekers: you can crave freely with Balance Bars. Snacks that are smart and wholesome! #ad #Cravefreely @BalanceBar

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  1. Always carry something in my bag to snack on. I’d love Peppermint Patty! refreshing for us in the summer heat.

  2. Hmmm…is any of the above a flavor? It’s hard to go wrong with Chocolate Caramel Peanut.

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