Learn About Carbs with Atkins

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Remember back in May when I signed up for that marathon thingy and swore I was going to get some of these pounds off?

Yeaaaahhhh… about that….

I’m here to admit, confess, whatever that I’ve had the usual mixed results.

Le Sigh.

On one front, I’m doing well. I’m still running. More than ever actually. Yay me!

I’m still working out. I added in a gym membership and personal trainer. Can I just say I love gym days with the trainer? I can see how people get addicted to the endorphins of a hard workout.

Yet nothing has changed on the scale. My clothes are fitting differently, so this is progress. I’ll take the NSV (non-scale victory) for sure!

But I have a lot of weight that can come off, thankyouverymuch. I’m following the same pattern that has haunted me for most of my adult life.

I lost some, then gained some back, then settled at my “usual” weight.


It’s all about the food. I know this. You know this. And Atkins knows this.

As an athlete and as a distance athlete I know I need carbs in my life. All the carbs all the time. But I need the RIGHT carbs, you know?

This? This is what’s called “bad carbs.” And with Halloween passing by, and now Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s all lurking around the corner, it’s time to get rid of the bad carbs and look toward the good ones.

Atkins is one of the few eating plans I have not tried. Why? Because runners need carbs. Duh. So I’ve avoided this one thinking it would not be doable for me.

What I’m learning is a very simple truth: not all carbs are created equal. You do not need to load up on pasta and bread to get your carb intake. You can eat- wait for it- vegetables (and fruits!).

Whaaaa??? That’s crazy talk, Shenanigans.

No, it’s healthy talk. Who knew that a carrot and a green bean and broccoli can also provide a runner with the carbs needed to fuel their body.

The Atkins diet is called a low carb diet- and this is true. But what’s also true is that it’s the “right carb” diet.

My friends at Atkins are going to help me learn more about their program and their products. This path sounds right for overall health:

On Atkins 40 you will eat:

More vegetables than the USDA recommends

Proteins including meats, fish, poultry and plant-based proteins

Healthy fats including olive oil, avocado and nuts

Dairy including whole Greek yogurt and cheeses

Variety of fruits and whole grains

With Atkins 40 you will learn:

The difference between good carbs and bad carbs

How to eliminate added sugars

How to incorporate healthy fats

How easy it is to adapt to a low carb lifestyle

How to lose weight, feel great, while enjoying healthy delicious foods with a wide range of food choices.

Atkins is 100% FREE ? there is no cost to do the program. Atkins offers an online community, resource center, recipes, tools and meal plans at Atkins.com.

I’d love to have you learn more with me by following Atkins social media channels:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AtkinsDiet

Twitter: https://twitter.com/atkinsinsider

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/atkinsinsider/

I’ll try the meal plan for a week and see how it goes. Wish me luck!

Have you ever tried the low-carb approach for weight loss? I’d love to hear how you felt on a low-carb plan!

You may also want to check out:

Atkins 40 Review

Atkins Update: Frozen Meals

Atkins: Greek Yogurt Bar Review

Atkins Breakfast Sandwich Review

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Atkins.

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  1. I’ve never tried Atkins, but I had great results with South Beach which is similar. Last week I started my own patent pending (just kidding) “Eat healthy, no crap, no exceptions” diet. I think you’ll do great with Atkins and look forward to following along!

    1. Ha! I love your own diet name. I just never went this route because everyone says we need carbs. Apparently we can still get them- just the right types! I’ll keep ya posted!

  2. I’ve been eating Primal for awhile now (basically paleo but you’re allowed to eat dairy) and started going gluten free at the beginning of the year and I’ve had great results so far. My running has improved greatly (I just ran a half averaging 10 min miles when last year averaging abything under 11:30 was crazy for me). Some that also maybe PiYo.

    I have found that what is basically carb cycling (high and low days) has helped. Most of the time I’m eating low carb and keeping my carb intake under 100g a day, but before long runs (anything over 8 miles is when I get serious) I eat more carbs in the form of fruit,veggies and a bit of gluten free pasta or rice. I usually average between 250-300g for carb loading.

    It’s an adjustment but it’s so worth it! I feel so much better than I used to

    1. Yes! Be sure to click the Atkins link here and see what they offer as far as food plans and recipes! I’m getting excited about this one.

  3. I am excited to see how you like it! I’ll let you try it first 😉 I like pasta more than carrots.

  4. I’ve lost 47 pounds by counting carbs and eliminating wheat, well at least most of the time. I needed to start watching my sugar levels and after doing lots of research and learning excess carbs are what turns into fat, it just sort of clicked that this is what I needed to do. I feel so much better, so much more energy, sleep better, no brain fog just to mention a few of the benefits I’ve found. Good luck!

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