How To Sew A Face Mask To Rock In Public | DIY Face Mask Tutorial

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The CDC just updated their recommendations: face masks in public are a go! Even if you are asymptomatic. If you have a sewing machine and are up to the challenge, here’s how you can follow this simple face mask DIY tutorial to sew a face mask to rock in public- even wear your mask at Disney World. There is a no-sew facemask option at the end as well! ps- not everyone can sew! Don’t want to try this on your own? Check out this post on where you can buy Disney face masks and Disney face coverings

How to sew a face mask to rock in public. Face mask tutorial


No, you aren’t lost.

I haven’t suddenly become a craft blogger in “all this free time at home!” we’re having. Though I have made a cute Captain Underpants Pumpkin before. 

No disrespect, Gwyneth, but I ain’t got time to take up a new hobby!


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@bradfalchuk and I were grateful to learn our local farmers market was open this morning; we walked there (keeping lots of distance) and donned masks and gloves once we got nearer to the market, only taking them off when we were almost home and there were no other pedestrians in close proximity. Yesterday I heard tales of crowded hiking trails and parks. Although we are all on a learning curve and aren’t always perfect as we figure out this temporary new normal, we must take the orders seriously and not abuse the freedoms we still have; grocery store and essential errand runs, bike rides or walks (being disciplined about correct protocol). It’s not the time for denial. We must take this seriously and shelter in place. It’s time for nesting, reading, cleaning out closets, doing something you’ve always wanted to do (write a book, learn an instrument or a language or learn to code online, draw or paint) going through photos, cooking, and reconnecting on a deeper level with the people you love. I find hope in the generosity, love, protection and care I see and feel through out our country everyday and my heart goes out to everyone directly affected or simply in fear. We will get through and I bet you our humanity will shine like never before ❤️

A post shared by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on

She means well, I know, but really… who has time to start something new right now?! Ha!

But I do think this issue is important and wanted to get a great resource out to as many people as I could- and what better way than utilizing this space. 

My new friend Sara has graciously walked us through the steps to make a well-fitting face mask via sewing. She made this face mask for another friend, Kate, who is also a bad-a nurse out there on the front lines.

Look. At. That. Fit!

proper face mask fit with glasses


proper face mask fit side

I’m going to include a no-sew face mask option at the bottom, but Sara, the CDC and just about any health care professional you’ll run into will repeat the same thing: a GOOD fit on your face mask is a must!

See how Kate is wearing her face mask under her glasses? That will also help with the fogging that can happen, fellow glasses wearers!

If you can sew or pass this on to someone who sews, you’ll be getting the most out of your face-covering in these times. 

ps- if you aren’t much into sewing, you can order a mask from the Shop Disney face mask page! 

How To Sew A Face Mask DIY Tutorial

By Sara Gray 


My tutorial for a stand-in mask for medical professionals w/a filter opening option.

Please pardon the multiple fabric switches, as this was photographed over a two day period and multiple masks.



DIY Face Mask With Filter Pocket for Germ Protection


If you wanna make masks…MAKE MASKS. You can use whatever tutorial or pattern you wish to use! Make your own! You don’t have to use mine!

The only rule is that they have to fit. LIKE A GLOVE. (But for their face…so a face understand.)

Ask your hospital working friends (nurses, dieticians, food service, doctors, CNA’s!) They’ll gladly help you know if you have the right fit!

Now go forth and make masks!

supplies to sew face masks

DIY Face Mask Supplies

Which fabrics are best for face masks? Here’s a link that can help you decide what you need. 

  • Woven cotton fabric 7”x9”*
  • Cotton flannel fabric 7”x9”*
  • Thread to match (or contrast, for fun!)
  • Wire of any kind, as long as it is pliable. Even twist-ties work. I am using picture wire I picked up in the hardware section at Walmart. Cut to 7”. This will allow 1/2” of space on either end, avoiding that “underwire bra mishap” moment if there is shrinkage after washing.
  • Elastic 1/8”, 1/4”, hair ties (what I’m using, because the world is currently sold out of sewing elastic), or hair bands.

(Elastic can be cut to TWO 6” pieces for this mask. If you wish to tie knots in your elastic to make it more secure (and you have sewing elastic) please cut them to 7”, and tie the knots at the very end of your cut. Once placed and sewn, it will equal the 6” elastic I am using.)


*I have seen (and tried) many patterns with 6”x9” cut specs. I have found that the extra inch (7×9) top to bottom allows a bit of extra space INSIDE the mask, between the mouth and the fabric, while still allowing the edges to sit flush to the face.

This allows better airflow for the person wearing the mask. Since we have added the flannel to block more particles, this allows the wearer to feel that they can breathe more freely than if the heavier flannel was pressed closely to their lips.

Steps To Sewing Your Face Mask

Step 1 to DIY a Face Mask

Place 7”h X 9”w flannel fabric, RIGHT side up, and place elastic in upper corners. Pin.

sew a face mask step 1

Step 2

Place other 7”x9” cotton fabric, wrong side up, on top of elastic and flannel…like a sandwich.

Pin in place. Place double pins 3” in from the top corners, as shown in photo.

This needs to be 3” to accommodate a filter if they have access to one.

If your mask doesn’t need a filter access point, YOU STILL NEED THIS HOLE.

sew a face mask step 2

Step 3

Sew from upper left corner, over elastic (back/forth over elastic once) then…(next slide)


…continue to those double pins, 3” in. Back/forth. Lift presser foot with needle UP, at THIS SPOT and…(next slide)

sew a face mask step 4

…move to 3” from other corner (the next set of double pins), back/forth, sew through corner, and lift presser foot to turn fabric (now you are ready to sew down the right side). (Pictured)

sewing tutorial step 5

Step 4 To DIY a Face Mask

Sew down side to 1” from lower corner. With needle in the fabric, lift presser foot. Find the other end of the elastic inside the sandwiched fabric, and pull it down to the corner. Hold or pin in place.

DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Put top layer of cotton back over top, and sew through the corner, back/forth over elastic.

DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Elastic sewn through in this photo. Back/forth here to secure elastic well.

DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Step 5

With needle in fabric, lift presser foot to turn and sew across bottom to 1” from other side. (Repeat step above to pull elastic down and sew into bottom corner).

step 5 DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Step 6

Sew up left side as previous steps, to close at top corner where you began. Now you’ve sewn all the way around (except the opening at the top!) and it looks like this!

step 6 DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Step 7 DIY Face Mask

Flip mask right side out through the 3” opening, make sure to push/pull the corners out fully, (this is a good way to test that you’ve secured the elastic straps well) and iron flat.

See that flannel seam allowance?

We’re going to top-stitch that in the next photo.

Don’t skip ahead, or you may make a mistake!

Push the cotton fabric back and away from the flannel, and slide it under the presser foot like this.

Step 8

Topstitch the FLANNEL side of the opening ONLY.


This is approximately a 3” section. Back/forth. Cut threads.

Using opening, slip wire inside mask, and pull wire back up to the top of the mask (the hole edge) placing and holding it tightly under the COTTON side lip.

So, the wire will be sitting along the seam, between the cotton fabric seam allowance (NOT the flannel, you’ve top-stitched that seam allowance already) and the cotton fabric side of the mask.

The ironed seam allowance will form a “V” and you will snuggle the wire right up into the base of the “V”. Hopefully this makes sense!

step 8b DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Now you’re ready to topstitch that wire in there!

Topstitch across the top, catching both the flannel and the cotton in the closed section, and MISSING the flannel through the opening, then back to catch both on the other 3” connected section.

Back/forth. Cut thread.

Be careful not to catch your needle on the wire. Keep pushing the wire over to the folded edge in front of your presser foot.

step 8c DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Another photo showing how to pull the flannel to the left and out of the way while top-stitching.

I took this photo after I top-stitched the entire side, so you can see my completed top-stitch in the cotton layer.

Don’t let that confuse you!

step 8d DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Step 9 Face Mask Tutorial

Pleat each side of the mask by hand. Just eyeball it, but make them even. Pleats will face downward from the wire top. Three pleats each side. Pin each.

My pleats are about 1/2” each. Be sure to bring each pleat up to meet the edge of the last, allowing the fabric to be consistently 3 layers from top to bottom. Allowing too much space will make the pleats less functional, and overlapping too much makes it too thick to sew through.

Hot tips from a pleat master,apparently.

step 9 DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Another view of the pleats. Remember, these don’t need to be exact, but match each side the best you can.

step 9b DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Step 10

Topstitch around mask twice, if you’re me and want it to last. There’s a lot of stress on those pleat edges when they remove and re-apply the mask.

REMEMBER TO ONLY CATCH THE COTTON on the top of the mask, this leaves an opening for the filter to be placed inside, if they have one to use. Just pull it to the left, from underneath just like you did when top-stitching the wire in!

Again, if you opt for no filter opening, just top-stitch all the way around catching both cotton and flannel.

step 10 DIY Face Mask with a sewing machine

Final Product: Your Completed Face Mask


Now go make more and give them to every healthcare worker you know!

complete face mask

Washing Instructions For Face Mask Owners

How should you wash your face mask?


(Scrubs, for instance, make good dryer partners)

No-Sew Face Mask Instructions

This is a simple bandana method. 

If you don’t have sewing skills, this will absolutely work for any quick outings to the store. 

Bandanna Face Covering DIY No Sew Method Materials

  • Bandanna (or square cotton cloth approximately 20”x20”)
  • Coffee filter
  • Rubber bands (or hair ties)
  • Scissors (if you are cutting your own cloth)

Place the coffee filter inside the bandanna a for extra filtration protection. 

Let’s be safe out there, y’all, and wear these DIY Face Masks when in public. 

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One Comment

  1. I was wondering if there is a pattern for this I am new and have been trying new ways to make face masks and would love to try one with a filter

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