Visiting the Set of Lady and the Tramp- The Secret Is Out!

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I absolutely love secrets- as long as I’m in on them! And I’ve been holding on to this one for almost a solid year. Disney invited me with some fellow entertainment writers to visit the set of Lady and the Tramp last fast. The Disney+ live action movie filmed in Savannah and we finally get to share all about it! Here’s the first impressions and first interview from the set of Lady and the Tramp. 

lady-and-the-tramp-disney plus

My job is pretty weird, I’ll admit.

Some months are filled with the typical suburban housewife fodder: cleaning toilets, grocery shopping, running carpool. And some months are full of Beverly- Hills, that is: swimming pools and movie stars. 

Last November was one of those star-filled months.

I arrived in Savannah fresh off an LA trip where we screened Ralph Breaks the Internet and visited the sets of The Rookie and Single Parents

Visiting the Set of Lady and the Tramp- The Secret Is Out!

Lady and the Tramp set visit

I had a feeling of the spinster Aunt seeing their baby niece who’s not-so-much a baby anymore as we landed in Savannah.

My, how the city had grown since I lived here in the mid-90s! This was the city where I turned 21, where I moved with my brand new husband, where I landed my first big-girl job and where we bought our first house. I did a lot of growing up in this genteel town and it had been a very long time.  

Savannah, I was home!

And I couldn’t wait to see just how Disney+ planned to show off this gorgeousness in the new live-action Lady and the Tramp.  Spoiler alert: it did not disappoint! Savannah looks beautiful in the movie. 

About Lady and the Tramp on Disney+

Lady is the center of her Jim Dear and Darling’s world and she knows it. Tramp is a street dog who knows just how much her life is about to change with a new baby on the way.

Two dogs from different sides of town find and create a friendship that ultimately changes both their lives for the better. 

Lady and the Tramp will premiere on Disney+ on November 12, 2019.

lady and the tramp top boat

Touring the Sets of Lady and the Tramp

I’m not ashamed to say it, I got a little giddy the first time we spied Yvette Nicole Brown and Kiersey Clemons in their costumes rehearsing a scene!

They play Aunt Sarah and Darling and you’d swear they were related- the casting was spot on in this movie. My no-spoiler Lady and the Tramp review is out now! 

There were dogs working on the set in a variety of ways and we had the pure joy of watching Rose (who plays Lady) work during one scene.

She was willing to answer a few questions for us during a break from the filming, though I think it ended up being one of those “no comment” situations. 

Interviewing Lady on the set of Lady and the Tramp in Savannah Georgia

When we arrived on set, we were told our phones were on strict lockdown. So into the bags they went and that meant no pictures were taken by the media. 

I wish that wasn’t the case as I’d love to show you some intricate details from the sets and rooms we visited! 

Recreating the various locations for Lady and the Tramp was the job of Production Designer John Myhre and he spent some time with us in Lulu’s bedroom talking about the sets. 

I’ve uploaded the conversation we had with John on The No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast so you can hear his description of how the sets of Lady and the Tramp came together. You can listen to his interview here or on your favorite podcast app. 

Production Design Nuggets Shared By John Myhre

Things I loved hearing about:

  • All the furniture on set was actual furniture (which is rare!) and sourced from antique stores in a 5-hour radius of Savannah.
  • The fireplace in Lulu’s room was found on eBay, proving once again you can find everything on eBay.
  • Lady and the Tramp is set in 1910, which was a time period beloved by Walt Disney (think Main Street, USA at Disneyland). This was used as an inspiration for the set design & specific attractions from Disneyland were worked into the script! 
  • Everything is created and designed for a reason: the colors, the angle of the doors, the location of the rooms, everything!
  • They tried to bring some of the outdoors to the inside of the house and one way that was accomplished was through the wallpaper they used in Lulu’s room.
  • It took 12 weeks to build the sets of Lulu’s room and the living room where the baby shower is held. 
  • A lot of detail was spent low to the ground since much of the film is shot from a dog’s point of view. 

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