Mother’s Day Memes (2024) Celebrating The Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love

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Mother’s Day is here and we can all agree: mommin’ ain’t easy! It’s the toughest job you’ll even love- even on those days that you realllllly hate it. Moms: you know what we mean. How are you celebrating Mother’s Day this year? You know how we roll: we’re breaking out the 2024 Mother’s Day memes. Here are some of our faves!

mothers day memes: remember that anything you buy this week can be called a mothers day present.

What Is Mother’s Day?

According to

Celebrations of Mom go back- way back- to the Greeks and Romans.

But in the US, Mother’s Day can be traced back to Julia Ward Howe, the editor of Woman’s Journal. In 1872, she wrote “Appeal to Womanhood throughout the World,” which would become known as the Mother’s Day Proclamation.

She also tried unsuccessfully to have July 4 and June 2 to be marked for Mother’s Day celebrations.

Over 30 years later, Anna Jarvis successfully initiated Mother’s Day after her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died in 1905.

Jarvis noted that Mother’s Day should contain a “singular possessive,” (hence the apostrophe) so each family might honor its own mother — as opposed to all mothers. Jarvis, who neither married nor had children, organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration in May 1908. 

By 1912 many states, towns, and churches had adopted Mother’s Day as an annual event. Jarvis also started the Mother’s Day International Association. President Wilson would soon establish the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day in 1914. Hallmark began selling Mother’s Day cards in the early 1920s.

And we started making Mother’s Day memes when Al Gore gave us the internet. Let’s get to the good stuff!

ps- here are some clever Mother’s Day gift ideas as well!

funny mothers day memes that are relatable as well.

2024 Mother’s Day Memes

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Let’s hear it for the moms who are raising the future perfect parents! Happy Mother’s Day Memes to all!

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