The Power of the Group | Galloway Blogger Tips

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Continuing on with tips from Olympian and runDisney guru Jeff Galloway this week!

He’s talking about running in groups.

For me? I haven’t tried it yet.

I have a mental block that it isn’t “my thing” due to being much slower than the average half marathoner. Something I own and I’m okay with, but holding up a group of people on a training run?

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Plus I’m only signing up with the run/walk Galloway peeps if I DO run in a group. ?And sadly both of my most recent cities lack an experienced run/walk program.

And no- ha ha ha- I’m not up for leading one!


Here’s what Jeff has to say about the group run and why it can really benefit you as a runner.

It’s on my “must-do” list if I ever seriously train for a marathon. ?I know I’ll need the group support when training for that big goal.

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By Jeff Galloway
The fun of running with a group pulled me into the sport 57 years ago.? Running and training with my friends Steve Prefontaine, Frank Shorter Bill Rodgers, brought out the best of running in me?while we became good friends?and Olympians.? As I travel the US this season, for our Galloway training program kickoffs, I see the same fun, support and friendship development.? I hope to see many of you at our free clinics.? Here are the ways I?ve observed runners of all abilities improve more and have more fun when in the right group.
1. Great friendships
2. The miles go by quicker?telling stories, sharing life experiences
3. Guidance in running with the right group for you, with the appropriate run walk run strategy
4. Because the group is waiting for you, you will stay motivated and get out there more often
5. You?ll learn about some interesting races, places to run, fun running experiences
6. On the really tough workouts and races, the group will pull you through
7. Access to tools for management of nutrition, fluids, motivation, aches/pains
8. The right group leadership can fine-tune the pace of each workout, avoiding injury/exhaustion
9. Helping others who are struggling bestows an amazing sense of achievement
10. Sharing the empowerment of finishing a long run can change your life

Most groups, like our Galloway programs, allow runners to try them out for free.? Together we can celebrate fitness and inspire others to improve the quality of their lives.

galloway training

Highlights of this year?s Galloway?Training Programs:

  • Discount on the Jeff Galloway13.1 and Barb?s 5K LINK
  • 50% discount of JeffGalloway?s Running Schools and Blue MT Beach Retreats
  • Discounts on Phidippides products ? Jeff?s store and the original running specialty store LINK
  • Discounts on ElliptiGO, my favorite way to cross train outside
  • Discounts on Pacific Health Products Accelerade & Endurox
  • Discounts on Cooper Complete vitaminsLink
  • Galloway Alumni hat available just for those who have been a part of our team before
  • Newly redesigned GallowayTraining medal to celebrate completion of this year?s program

Visit HERE to find your closest Galloway Training Program, and ask Jeff for more details about what he loves about his?Galloway group.

Do you run with a group? ?What’s your biggest takeaway from the group experience?

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  1. Running has been a lonely endeavor for me- not that that’s always a bad thing! I do usually like the solo nature of it, but sometimes I just wish I had someone to partner with. Like you, I’m slow, I do run/walk intervals, and there is no established run/walk group in my area. I have several runner friends, and they all run together- but they’re fast, they do longer distances, and they definitely don’t do intervals. I’m going to start training for my longest distance yet (hello, 2016 WDW Half!), and I really worry about doing those long training runs with nobody but myself to keep me dedicated.

    1. Aaaahhhhh!!! YOUR FIRST HALF! I’m so excited for you. If you ever need a virtual partner- you know you can hit me up! I’ll cheer you on from bed in AZ when you get up for those early long runs (no really- I’ll text you the whole time. 😉 )

      I can manage the distance for the half- I’ve done that. But I HATE it. So doubling it? Mmmm… Imma gonna need some help!

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